Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I was trying to decide how much of my book I wanted to reference in my daily blog. It's kind of like the previews you see at the movie theater. They always seem to show the funniest part of the movie to draw you in. I guess it works because I will go to the movie, but somehow I often feel like the best part of the movie was the preview itself. I will endeavor not to repeat any of that in my blogs. Truth be told the subject matter of the book is such that it would be impossible to put all of it on a daily blog. It's not that the book is so long, it isn't, it has everything to do with that the book is a changing document. How one individual interprets the book will be different from someone else, since each of their situations are different. I guess that makes me very lucky as the possibilities for those that read the book will be endless.

I beleive in endless possibilites. Call me crazy, but as most of you will find out by reading this blog, I am the eternal optimist. The glass is always half full and not half empty. To know me is to realize that I want nothing more than for everyone to walk in their destiny. There are times when we need a little help getting to the promised land, that's where I come in. Can I single handedly change the world? Yep!! It's not that I am great or special, unless you consider compassion to be a special gift. I love people and I love helping others. I can't solve every problem in the world, but if I can help one person each day to see what they are destined for then I have indeed had a very good day.

So as I have said before and will say time and time again in the future; If life is a Journey, never never go it alone. It's time that each of us get off the sideline and into the game. Great things come to great people and just incase someone hasn't told you lately you are great. Think about it.....

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