Saturday, February 18, 2023

Stairway to Heaven

Is there a Stairway to Heaven?  Is there such a thing as Heaven on Earth?  What I'd like to do this week is give my opinions on this subject.  What I'd like to do is provide some encouragement, and in doing that, maybe show you how things should be done, can be done, and why you might want to rethink a few things.  Let me start out by saying this: we are created beings.  I know I've said this before, but it does bear repeating. We create our own reality with our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.  When darkness comes, as it does for most people at one time or another in life, we have to dig down deep and realize that we have caused the darkness.  Now many may discount this statement, but they are the same ones who will bemoan all that life has thrown at them, and place the blame on anything and everything accept where blame should be placed, on themselves.  I don't say this to be mean, I say it to make you realize that you have creative abilities, even if you don't believe it.  

When I was directed to write about this topic today, to be honest, I didn't want to.  I knew it would be controversial, and I hate controversy.  That being said, I also have learned not to question the leading of Spirit, so I will be obedient and do as directed.  There is no doubt that many, many people are being tested right now.  Many people have lost hope, many have fallen to fear, anxiety, and even worse have begun to question if there is any good left in the world.  How can one even believe we could have heaven on earth with all that is going on around us at the moment? Truth be told we are the ones who will have to create Heaven on Earth.  We are the ones with the power, the ability, we simply have to muster up the want, desire, or will for it.  When one is walking through the fire it is often hard to realize that we have created the fire, and we are the only ones who can stop it, or put it out.  I had to step away from the computer to get my wits about me.  This topic is not easy to communicate for the sole reason that I do not want to derail anyone.  It's never easy to tell someone that they need to buckle down and do what is right.  I guess the question then becomes what is right?  What actions can anyone take to reset what is currently happening in their life, in the lives of those around us?  The first thing one has to do is accept the premise that we have the power to do just that.  Doubt and unbelief about your capabilities is certainly going to put a damper on what is accomplished.  I fully understand that when one is in a struggle how hard it can be to believe there is a way out of the struggle.  As humans we have the tendency of thinking the worst, yet hope for the best.  This is nothing more then setting yourself up for failure, or at least a tiny bit of hurt.  Realizing that you are an overcomer, that you will preserver, is really the first step.  The next step is to learn from any experience.  Face it, there are times when we have to go through a tough time if for no other reason than to realize that we really never want to go through that moment again.

Maybe it's the appropriate time for that encouragement I spoke of earlier.  Heaven on Earth is not just a hope, not just a dream, it is what our destiny is.  I often speak of destiny, and to be honest I wonder if everyone truly believes they have a destiny.  We are on this planet, in this body for a finite amount of time.  No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you will never add a single minute to your life experience.  Certainly there are people who feel they have missed out on things, but they really haven't.  What we experience in life is what we were intended to experience, the good and the bad.  We must find peace in all things.  Even when we may not understand why something is happening, we need to find the peace in it.  I fully understand that is not always an easy thing to do, but this is when you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and know who and what you are.  There's an old saying, "Physician heal thyself".  I am having to find the peace in a situation I am facing at the moment.  Would I prefer the situation to not be happening, well of course I wish that, but it is, and I have to decide what I am going to do while going through it.  Finding the peace may not be easy, but it is something I need to do.  You may be facing the same thing, and you will have to find the peace.  I am that I am.  I am that peace, I am that peace, I am that  peace.  If all you can do is repeat this mantra, then repeat it til the cows come home.  Trust me, it will manifest the peace you are seeking.  

The Stairway to Heaven is lined with people who gave up too soon.  This life we live is full of curves, paths with two options, dead ends, and barriers.  We've all experienced these, and quite possibly will experience them in the future.  We cannot see this as a failure, rather an opportunity.  There have been times when I wanted to simply quit.  I've had plenty of times when the battle raged so strong that I just didn't think I could go on. It was in those times when I had to recognize the immense power I had inside of myself. I would be a liar if I said I wished I hadn't had to go through some things, but I have learned through all of them.  Bumps and bruises do happen, but they do heal, as all things will heal eventually.  The key to success is getting back up on the horse when she bucks you.  Trust me I have been thrown off a time or two, but I am still standing, and you too will survive, and you will come out the other side stronger, wiser, and so appreciative of what you have learned.  

Let me end with this, and I hope it provides you with even more encouragement.  Faith is the assurance of things yet unseen.  While many of us have had our faith tested, it is just that a test.  Will you walk as you were always designed to walk, or will you succumb to man's expectations?  We were supposed to have Heaven on Earth but because of Man's failure we have had to forego it, at least forego it until now.  You have everything you need to walk in peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, health, you simply have to accept what is already yours and acknowledge that it is already yours.  Legions of people have come before you, will come after you, some have succeeded, some have failed, but all have been equipped.. Once you open your eyes, hear with your heart, you will know that there is nothing on this planet that can stop you from having what is rightfully yours.  

It takes courage to withstand the battle, and battles will present themselves daily.  If you will take up your armor, if you will stand in your rightful place, then you will be a victor.  This Great Awakening is here for you, and it is here right now.  Certainly there will times of doubt, but that is momentary.  What is eternal, what is changeless, is your spirit, and it is when we operate from this spiritual level that we see things as they really are, not always as they appear.  Open your spiritual eyes and see your greatness, your perfection, your uniqueness.  When you walk in this perfection, this uniqueness, your greatness, you will be climbing the Stairway to Heaven, and you just might bring some along for the ride.


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