Saturday, February 11, 2023

Out of Darkness, and into Glory!!

Photo by Vladislav Murashko
 Over the last few weeks I have really been focusing on man's true essence.  It is in that same light that I bring to this week's blog. What I'd like to do today is bring even more clarity to what I believe is right around the corner, and why coming to terms with the real you is so vitally important.  I will profess that I do not have all the answers.  There are many who might seem far more qualified to bring information, transformational information, than I.  I am simply a vessel of my Heavenly Father, and I write what I am instructed to write, and I allow each of you to take from it what you desire.  Before we get too far into what I want to present today, I want to provide you with this warning.  Our accountability comes into play when we have been given information, and we accept that information.  Once you become aware of your true essence then you have accepted certain things into your life that you can never retreat from, or should I say, should never retreat from.  While what I have to say today may seem far fetched to some, out of the ordinary, or even a little crazy, I challenge each of you to take what I have to say to heart, and move forward in it as fast as you can.  To say that we will be challenged with things that are shortly going to be coming into play is an understatement.  We are entering a time when only those who are grounded, those who are aware, those who truly understand the significance of their design and being, they will be the ones who will come through the trials that await.  I do not say this to scare you, no not in the least.  I say this so that when you enter the battleground you will be prepared, and equipped to handle anything and everything that might be thrown at you.

When we finally step out of the darkness, that which has trapped us for generations, and into the light, our own awakening, then we will see things as they truly are, and not this charade that has kept us in bondage for way too long.  We have lived a lifetime being told what is wrong with us.  We have been made small by those who do not wish for us to walk in our perfection, to operate in our power and greatness.  We have been sat on for the sole purpose of stripping us of our own divine nature.  Now is our time to walk in our perfection, our power and greatness, and understand our divine nature.  Knowing the real us is such a threat to those who have attempted to keep us down.  Walking in our power, discovering our creative abilities is not what the power mungers desire, and quite frankly it scares them to death because it means the end to them.  

Our creation was not by happenstance.  We have been chosen for this specific time, and we have been given a great responsibility. This responsibility is to awaken the masses, those sleeping, those unaware of what is real, what is true, and what was created for them since the beginning of time.  Had we been thrust into this role before we were ready would have meant certain failure.  Thank God we have had the time to learn, the time to grow, the time to mature.  Not everything we have gone through has been pleasant, but it has brought us to the place we are at, and now is our time to take the lead.  Stepping out of the darkness and into your glory has no time line, for stepping out will come in the perfect moment, not a minute too soon, nor a minute too late.  I have been waiting for this period of my life, my whole life.  Most people who find themselves in this same position will undoubtedly tell you that they always felt like an outsider.  Often there were feelings of loneliness, feelings that you simply did not fit it.  People have tried to get you to do certain things, in a certain way, and yet you always knew there was a better way, your way.  You have been ridiculed, laughed at, even scorned from time to time because you simply were the odd duck.  I'm here to tell you that now, in this moment you will take your rightful place in the Universe, and you will be doing what you were always destined to do.

When I first started out as a writer I was laughed at and called crazy by many people who knew me.  Did that affect me?  Maybe a little, but down deep I did not question what I had been asked to do, and all I could do was write to the best of my ability.  Thirteen years later much of what I have already written about is front and center in this thing we call the Great Awakening.  I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, I say this because I was faithful to do what I had been asked to do, and now I finally have validation.  Much of what you have thought in the past is now going to be validated, and when that happens you will finally know that you are not the crazy one. Being the odd duck may not always be fun, but I can assure you that being the odd duck will one day put you in the very place you were always destined to be.  

Many people are at the precipice right now.  They know what they should do, but because of past conditioning, because of past failures or hurts, they are hesitant to let go, and simply let God.  Let me be the first to say that there need not be fear in anything.  When you understand the perfection of your creation, then you will be able to step out and begin the process of being the real you.  When you accept that you have been given unlimited abilities, creative powers, it becomes much easier to leave cares and worries behind, and simply cast your net into the water knowing that a massive catch is about to come to you.  We were not given all things things simply to store up stuff here on this planet.  To those who much is given much is required.  If you could fully understand all that has been given to you, then there would never be a concern of what is about to be asked of you.  As we grow, as we mature, fear leaves, doubt is a thing of the past, and all we can see is Glory that lays ahead of us.  

Let me leave you with this thought.  When you have made the decision to step out of darkness, and into your glory you will never doubt that you made the right move.  When you step out of the darkness and into your glory you will discover a new power, a new awareness, a strength that is almost indescribable.  When you step out of the darkness, and into your glory, you will finally be aware of your wholeness, your divine nature, and your unlimited power and ability to create all that you dream, all you desire, and all that was meant for you.  Now you will have to ask if you want all the good, or stay in the darkness?  I promise you when you shift your thinking, your feelings, your words you will be able to see the glory, and you will know it is for you.

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