Sunday, September 25, 2022

Wisdom, Beyond our Years
 What is wisdom?  Where does wisdom come from?  Is wisdom something everyone has, or is it something only for a select few? Lastly, if wisdom is so important, why are there so many lacking it in the world today?  I believe these to be very good questions, and today I am going to try to answer them, and maybe put wisdom into a different light than you might have ever thought. 

Aristotle said that "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."  So with that said, how many of you really know yourself?  Do you really know who you are, or do you know only what others say or think about you?  Taking it to a much higher level, do you know where you came from, and who is the real creator of you?  Contrary to what many may say or think, wisdom does not come from books.  Books can bring you knowledge, but knowledge does not always translate to wisdom.  To be completely honest there are times when knowledge is a contradiction of wisdom.  Chew on that for a minute, and then we will continue.

I wasn't quite sure how I was going to present today's topic, as I will admit that there are times when I display an amazing lack of wisdom.  Mine generally comes in the form of how I relate to my husband and not giving him the grace he deserves.  Live and learn, right?  That being said, I wanted to tackle this topic because with what the world is going through right now it is going to require individuals to have wisdom, use wisdom, and depend on wisdom to simply get through the day.  I doubt anyone around today would have been able to conceive a script about what this world has been through over the last two or three years.  I'm not talking about politics, or elections, or even the whole Covid-19 thing.  Certainly each of those have their own effect on people.  What I'm talking about is the shift that this entire planet has been going through in regards to energies, thoughts, and a general shift or transition into a higher vibrational existence.

One could argue that a shift in energy actually has nothing to do with having or lacking wisdom, and they might be correct.  One could also debate the merits of what came first the chicken or the egg, or better yet was Adam's navel an innie or and outie?  Wisdom is not based on a discussion, or debate.  Wisdom is not solely the property of a good upbringing or higher education.  Wisdom is having a knowledge that no matter what is going on around you, you have been equipped to handle it.  Wisdom begins, and hold on to your hats for this one, wisdom begins with knowing the real you, I stole that from Aristotle mind you, but I digress.  

If one is unfamiliar with where you came from, and why you are here, I will bet you dimes to donuts that many things in life will cause you concern or strife, and the wisdom required to handle certain situations will be, shall we say, less than optimal.  I know plenty of people who are book smart, but lack the common sense to come in out of the rain.  Conversely, there are many, many people who I know who may not have an Ivy League Education, but I would listen to what they have to say without reservation.  They are the ones who have demonstrated wisdom, and those are the ones that I want to learn from.  Wisdom is not based on where you are from, where you went to school, or even what you own.  Wisdom begins with knowing the significance of your creation.  Wisdom is realizing that no matter what is going on around you, that you have a destiny, and all things in your life lead you to your destiny.  

When we were young we saw as a child, thought as a child.  Sadly as we grew older we got wrapped up in things that really didn't mean anything and we stopped having that child like faith.  We began to think we had to do everything under our own power, and this is when life became a chore.  Where did our joy go?  When did skipping down the street become something childish or a waste of time?  When we were created we came with a fully functioning, fully knowledgable, completely perfect spirit.  It is only in knowing our spiritual essence that we will ever walk with complete wisdom.  It is only when we realize that we are not a simple mortal, but rather a divine creation, that we will walk in the wisdom that will chart our path, lead us to our destiny, and do the one thing that we were created to do.  

Those that display wisdom beyond their years undoubtedly have tapped into their spiritual essence.  They have come to realize that what goes on around them, what others do or say, or even what they own, is not what defines them.  I was trapped in this place at one point in my life, and I had to loose it all in order to come to a realization of who and what I was.  Everyone is going to have to reach this point at some point in their life.  Hopefully it will not be a painful process, but if you're like me it was, but it was also worth it.  Life, as I have said so many times in the past, is a journey of discovery.  Some of this is fun, and exciting, at other times it is painful, and oh so discouraging.  No matter what we go through we have the opportunity to learn lessons, and often those lessons were designed to get us to the right place, at the right time.  

Wisdom comes from experiences.  Often those experiences are things that we never want to experience again like touching a hot stove and burning your fingers.  Experience is a great teacher, and experience is where wisdom originates.  I wish I could tell you that you will never have a lousy day, or that everything in life will always be rosy.  Alas, we are going to go through struggles, we will go through hard times, and we will question our sole existence at one time or another.  This is life, and there is no getting around it.  Aristotle was so right when he said to know yourself.  It has taken me a lifetime to understand my essence, and I still have a ways to go to fully understand my place, my vision, my dreams , and my desires.  The great thing about dreams and desires is that they were placed in you because they were meant for you.  Your dreams and desires are the footpath to your destiny, and destiny is where true happiness will come from.  You can have it all, riches, position, fame, and glory, but if you are not doing what you were created to do, it will all be empty at some point in time.  

If you want wisdom start by learning about who the real you is.  If you want wisdom don't negate the lessons of the past.  Embrace failure, embrace success, and embrace the fact that you are here for a reason.  We all have wisdom inside of us because we are spirit first and foremost.  When you tap into your spirit, you will have unlimited wisdom, and you will finally discover one of the great mysteries of life.

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