Sunday, September 18, 2022

Tick Tock. Tick Tock, Tick Tock
People worry about time.  People base everything in life on time.   People obsess with time.  I guess I have to ask the question, why does one worry, obsess, or base things on something that isn't even real in the first place? Time is man's conception.  Time is only as real as you allow it to be, and too many people allow time to dictate pretty much everything in their life.  Now to be fair, most people's conception of time is a learned trait, albeit, a learned trait that is flawed.  I am not discounting that there are probably only a few homes in the world that do not have a clock of some sort within its four walls.  Most people rise in the morning to an alarm clock.  Many plan their bedtimes based on what time they have to be to work the next day, or when they have to catch an early morning flight.  I am not here to say that a clock has no merit.  Often a clock will keep us on a routine.  A clock will allow us to figure out when to start something, when to stop it, or even if we will have the time to finish a task.  Herein lies the fallacy of the clock. The clock represents time, and time to many, many people is a precious commodity that should not be squandered, should not be wasted, and certainly should never be discounted.  

I'm here to tell you today, that time is the one thing that should never, and I repeat never be taken into consideration when it comes to your destiny, or you discovering and walking in your destiny.  Let Me take you on a little trip down Destiny's winding path, and when I am done, I think you will see time a little differently then you do now.

If one believes in the perfection of the Universe, then one needs to believe in the perfection of their design, and the perfection of them being here right now.  Similarly, if one believes that they have a destiny, then that destiny must also be in the perfection of the Universe.  Perfection is just that, perfect.  Perfection has no flaws, no gaps, no inability.  We as humans have flaws, we have gaps, and far too many people feel as though they have no ability to do those things they truly desire to do, that they dream about, and long after.  We must realize as I have said so many times in the past that we are Spiritual Beings who just inhabit this mortal body for a period of time.  Our Spirit is infinite.  There are no design flaws in our spirit.  There are no gaps, there is only perfection.  It is because of this perfection that we need to unleash ourselves from the element of time, and understand that all things happen when they are designed to happen, not a minute before, or a minute after.  

I can't count the number of times I have tried to outrun God when it came to something that I thought I was supposed to do.  It wasn't that what I wanted to do was wrong, what was wrong was the time that I did it.  Trust me, when you jump out of the will of God, when you try to do things under your own power, most of the time you are going to mess things up.  People who continually look at time as some measuring stick to the completion of all things are making a monumental mistake.  Allow me to remind you once more, time is an illusion.  How many people do you know who are doing most everything in their life based on a timeline they have created, or someone else created for them?  How many people do you know who have given up on things because in their own eyes, time has passed them by?  Both of these scenarios are preventable, but both are scenarios happen almost daily within the human experience.  The key to any successful endeavor is to realize that need never come into the equation.  Now I know some will say that time is a critical part of anything One attempts to do.  OK, let's say that's true.  Let's say that time is the driving force behind any success.  What you're telling me is that someone who does not have the ability to tell time, and believe it or not there are people out there who can't tell time, that these people will never succeed at life.  I'll tell you that the one who eliminates time from any plan is the one who will probably succeed. I know this must sound crazy, but before you turn a blind eye to what I am saying let me say this.  I know there are 60 seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day.  I'm not saying that we don't have specific things that do deal with time.  If you are baking cookies, then those 13 to 15 minutes per batch is something that needs to be adhered to.  What I am saying is if you will allow things to happen in the perfection of the Universe, then you will never have to worry about what year it is, what time it is, for even how much time do you have left.

Let's see if I can simplify things a bit.  When I talk about destiny I am talking about doing that one thing that you were created to do.  When I talk about destiny I am talking about why you are here.  Some might discover this great thing young in life.  Others might not discover it until their sunset years.  It just doesn't matter when you step out into your destiny, as you will only walk in your destiny when the time is right, and that right time was set in stone before you were ever born. Many people will make the mistake of thinking just because they failed at something the first time that somehow they will never do what they truly desire to do.  Trust me dear friends, there is nothing imperfect when it comes to the Universe, and as such, the timing of your destiny is perfect.  It is time to forget about time and simply move as you are moved to do things.  If you had told me I was going to be a published author, or writing this blog for the past twelve years, I would have thought you crazy.  Everything happens when it's supposed to happen and not a minute sooner.

I will say this: when we fail at things, instead of looking at it as though it were the end of the world, simply look at it that the timing was not right, and in many cases you have been spared even greater set-backs by a simple failure.  I fully understand when one has a passion that they want to run right into it, and conquer the world.  Keep in mind, that conquering the world, although a big event, may not be what you are really suppose to do, and a failure may be something that gets you to think of the real stuff you are supposed to do, just a thought.

Let me close with this, and hopefully it will tie everything together.  When we focus on time, when we allow it to dictate actions, or when we look at it as some sort of gage, we are limiting the awesomeness of who we are.  If you are basing everything on something that is not real, you are no longer focused on what is real.  The real you, the spiritual you could care less about time.  The real you, the spiritual you is infinite, it has no beginning, no end.  If one is infinite, then does time really mean a thing?  If you begin to focus on your passions, if you will feel the joy of doing what you love to do, I assure you that time will be the last thing you worry about.  When you are doing what you love the only thing you will desire is that you could have 28, or 30, or even 40 hours a day to do it.  I look forward to a time when all I do is write, or go out and speak, or do a rRadio Show.  Yes I will need sleep, but the other time I have left I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.  Make sure you set aside time throughout the day to relax, to spend time with family, but remember, you will always have enough time left in your life to fulfill your destiny.  Don't stress over the days, weeks, months, or even years.  When the time is right, the time is right, and there is nothing you can do to change what the Universe has set up for you.  With that in mind, does it really benefit anyone to worry about it?  Think about that for a minute, and thank the Good lord that you are here right now, in the perfect time.

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