Sunday, March 27, 2022

Boot Straps, time to pull yourself up
 Most everyone has been put through the wringer over the last couple of years, and although it has not been the best of times, it sure has given us the opportunity to adhere to the adage of pulling ourselves up by the boot straps and forging ahead. What I want to do today is simply provide some additional encouragement, and let's face it, everyone needs encouragement from time to time.

I sat down to write this morning, and although I thought I knew what I was going to write about, the title I had in my head just  one day ago would not come back to me, and that always means I was suppose to head in a different direction.  So here we are, and here we will find ourselves on another journey of discovery.  I want to add a note here, not as a statement that I think I have all the answers, I do not.  But rather a statement that says I desire to provide whatever insight I have to aid you in your journey of discovery.  We were never meant to have to deal with many of the issues we deal with, but alas we find ourselves doing just that, dealing with what seems like impossible issues almost daily.  Many are tired, many are discouraged, and many have simply given up.  The encouragement I want to give you today is nothing more than telling you that no matter what one might be going through, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow with your name on it.

I have had struggles in my life.  Some tiny in comparison to what others have gone through, but to me they were monumental, and I had to learn to set aside emotions, set aside thoughts of failure, and instead hold fast to what I know as truth, we are creative beings.  We have been given immense power, and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we learn to use it, the sooner we will not longer need those boot straps to pull up on when it comes to getting through difficult situations.  We have been fed a line of BS since we were little about what we could and could not do.  I know I've written about this numerous times in the past, but repeating something over and over again is what some need to finally get it into them.  I cannot stress the importance of coming to a complete understanding of your true essence.  I cannot stress enough the absolute necessity of realizing the significance of your being.  When one can touch, accept, and know the truth of their creation, they then will be on that path of enlightenment. Some people still do not understand enlightenment. To many people it is that impossible journey.  It is the unanswered question.  It is the mystery that many feel they will never comprehend until it is too late.  Believe it or not, there are some who will run away from enlightenment because it would force them to decide.  Decide if they are going to go all in, or will they simply sit back and let things happen as they happen.  Now sitting back and watching is what many, many people do, and they become reactionary verses proactive.  It doesn't make it right or wrong, as we all have a preference.  What it does though is make it almost impossible for someone to ever get to their true place in life.  

When we were created, do you think God's intention was to put us here simply to be tested in every manner known to man?  Do you think that your creation was nothing more than an opportunity for God to say "let me laugh at you", and "I really want to see you squirm"?  That's not how God operates, yet we find many who really believe this to be the truth about life.  My friends, we have to get cemented in the knowledge of our true essence.  We have to accept the perfection of our design, the significance of our being here, and the hold fast to the knowledge that we are not just mortal.  How many people do you know who have gotten to a place in life where they are creating?  How many people do you know who are able to walk on water, turn water into wine, or raise someone from the grasp of death?  My guess the number would be zero, and yet we have all those abilities in us.  If we have the ability to raise someone from the dead, wouldn't it be easy to keep ourselves out of situations that are contrary to our nature?  Let me put it this way:  if you were a weight lifter and you just picked up and pressed 400 pounds.  If all you had on the next life was twenty-five pounds, how much easier would it be?  Well the same can be said when we look at what we are, what we were created to do, and what we face each day.  When you grasp your abilities, when you accept your greatness, when you walk in that I Am presence, all things seem to be a little easier to get through.  

Pulling yourself up by the boot straps is nothing more than understanding who and what you are.  Pulling yourself up by the boot straps is nothing more than not accepting limitations that have been placed on you by others.  Pulling yourself up by your boot straps is nothing more than acknowledging I am that I am.  If I had the ability to flip a switch and instantly awaken every human on this planet, I would do that.  There is so much that we should be doing in this life, and yet many never get to that place because they are fighting battles that they were never intended to fight.  If I spend a life time getting past what others are telling me I can't do, or shouldn't do, that is just time wasted, and I'll never get to doing what I was sent here to do.  Pulling one's self up by the boot straps is accepting greatness, creative ability, and more than anything, accepting your calling.

I want to encourage you this morning to begin to walk in your true essence.  I want you to begin to accept your greatness.  I simply want you to forget about all the do's and don's, and simply be what you were always intended to be.  We are fast approaching critical mass in regards to where this thing we call life is heading.  It may seem overly dramatic, but we must come to grips with our purpose, our destiny.  Anything shy of this, only causes us to doubt, to stumble, to be less than we are.  No one benefits when we are not being rue to self, and being true to self is as simple as accepting you.  

So here's the question: will you continue to simply go with the flow, or will you pull yourself up by the boot straps and declare I am that I am?  Will you accept greatness, creativity, and more than anything else, will you accept your perfection?  Trust me, as tough as it may seem to get where you are supposed to be, it is far more difficult wither away to nothingness because the world has made you feel like you are nothing. You are anything but nothing, and once you accept this truth, then the boot straps you pull up on will never fall away again.

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