Sunday, December 19, 2021

But of Course
There is so much to be thankful for this year.  Many may have to dig deep to realize this.  Some may not even believe there are things to be thankful for.  And yet, I'm here this morning with a Christmas list of some things that should put a smile on your face, and hope in your heart.  I hope you will join with me in reflecting on each of them.  All the major faiths celebrate this time of year with different traditions, different beliefs, and with different ways of showing what this season means to them.  This is a time of year where we tend to put away past grudges, past hurts, past fears, and look forward to what the New Year will bring to us.  I like most of you will look back on the previous year, and with hopeful anticipation, will usher in the next one.  

As I write this I am trying to juggle drinking my coffee, giving our dogs their morning treats, as well as giving them the attention they crave in the morning.  I will tell you it's not always easy trying to type with the little one trying to jump on my lap seeking even more attention.  At 70 pounds she doesn't realize that she is not really a lap dog, but who am I to tell her different, but I digress.  One of the things I am most grateful for is the opportunity to do what I am doing right now, and that's creating this post.  It's spending time with my dogs, and enjoying our home.  I tend to think that the simple things in life are the best things in life.  If we can find the joy in each situation, then we have found the joy that will help us traverse the bumps along the way in life.  Yes there are going to be things that pop up from time to time that will distract us, and get us off the path we are supposed to be walking, but the wise will see these things as nothing more than eye openers.  When we realize our purpose, when we begin to walk in our destiny, then you will have something to be thankful for.  

If I were being totally transparent, I would have to admit to you that I too have had to deal with issues this year that I never thought I would be dealing with.  Dealing with these things has forced me to focus on those things that are truly important.  I have had to prioritize, rearrange, and otherwise change course several times this past year. Through it all I have come to realize just how fortunate I am, and just how thankful I am for having had the opportunity to make these changes.  There was a time when change was not an option, or at least not something I was willing to entertain.  I guess as we get older we are far more open to doing what needs to be done, and not just because we are forced to do it.  

So here's number one on my Christmas List of things to be thankful for:  Be thankful that you are here in this moment.  Trust me when I tell you that you are here for a reason.  Even if things have not gone as planned this past year that doesn't mean they weren't meant to be this way.  We go through things to teach us valuable lessons,  even if those lessons are not always pleasant.  

Number two on my list of things to be thankful for:  your destiny.  Yep, we all have a destiny, and everything you have ever gone through was meant to get you to your destiny.  Imagine a world where each individual was aware of their purpose.  Think of a society where each and every member was driven by their passions, and doing only those things they truly loved and believed in.  When it's all said and done, that's what destiny is all about.  Don't you think it's time to accept why you are here?

Number three, and mind you no more or no less important than the other two, but number three on my list of things to be grateful for this holiday season, time.  Some might think it strange to bring time into things, but in this case I would be remiss if I did not remind you that time is an illusion, and if you believe in the perfection of you, the universe, and your destiny, then you will have the time to complete what you were sent here to do.  Now that should really get you into the holiday spirit I would say.  Certainly there will be times when you feel as though you are just spinning your wheels, but behind the scenes things are happening that will get you to your desired location, doing those things you desire to do, and having the impact on humanity that you were always intended to have.  Time is a great gift, might I suggest that you not waste it by worrying about it.  

Number four:  Me, myself, and I.  Better put, be thankful that you are you.  How fortunate the man or woman, who recognizes the significance of their creation.  How powerful to understand what you are, why you are here, and what you can do.  Each breath you take is a gift.  Each move you make is part of your dreams, your desires.  How fortunate that you get to be a part of this thing called life.  How blessed you are that you get to do all those things that you love.  Be thankful for this, and never doubt.

As we approach the holidays, and the end off this year, I'd like to send you off with a blessing.  Before you read this portion I'd like you to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and simply receive what I am about to give you.  These words are not simply something to read, but rather to hold on to, to believe in, and in doing so, place yourself in a place where things come alive for you. I pray this blessing to each and every one of you.  Miles cannot stop this blessing.  Barriers cannot stop this blessing.  I release to you the knowledge and understanding of the real you.  I release to you the power that has been placed into you, and reason it has been placed into you.  We hold back unbelief, we stomp on doubt and fear, we move forward in our true destiny.  I pray that each of you will begin to feel the draw, the push to accomplish what has been placed in you.  We remove the fog in front of many eyes, so that each can see their purpose, their destiny.   I open the Divine and ask that all that is needed will be given, all that is desired will be revealed, and all that is destined will be understood.  I release abundance, health, love, and joy to each of you, and place a hedge of protection around each of you, against doubt, fear, and sadness.  May the Spirit of our Creator wash over you, protect you, and uplift you.  All things are possible, and that is because you are all things.  

I send wished to each of you, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for allowing me to do what I do.  Being a writer is what I love, and I am so thankful that I get to do it.  Have a blessed week, and never forget, you are what you were meant to be, when it was meant to be, and how it was meant to be.

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