Sunday, May 30, 2021

Words to the wise.

 It's the last Sunday of May, and that means this will be my last blog for the summer.  For those who have been following this blog for a few years, you know that I take a hiatus from writing during the summer months.  It's my time to regenerate, my time to rest, but most of all to take a bit of time to simply unwind.  This summer will not be without its projects as I am getting ready to publish another book, so publisher's demands will come into play at some point. With that being said I simply want to leave you with some good old encouragement today.  I want to embrace your beauty, your creativity, your uniqueness.  I want to tell you how wonderful you are, and how incredibly fortunate the world is having you in the midst of it all in this moment.

I dare say that there is not a single person out there who has not questioned what the hell has been going on in the world over the last year.  Many wonder if we will ever get back to normal.  Some have given up hope, others are clinging to desires, regrettably some have fallen victim to fear, and doubt.  What I want to do for you today is encourage you to step out into your power, put away fear and doubt, and let your inner sparkle shine through all the turmoil and garbage out there.  We as humans have a tendency to take on those things that appear to be around us, simply because what some people see, many believe that it is the reality of the times.  To be truthful, our reality is not always how others see things.  Our reality is that we are creators, and as such we should be creating our own reality.  That reality should be full of joy, happiness, peace, and of course love.  When you fill a world with joy, with happiness, with peace, and with love, you have a whole new panorama to view, and there is a whole lot more to experience in the positive. 

Without a doubt we have been tested this past year.  We have won a few, and probably lost a few.  We have gained some ground, and sadly, some have taken a few steps back.  The thing we need to realize is that we are still here, we are still standing, and we are still who we were created to be.  If I've learned anything over this past year it is "I am that I am".  I am not just a mortal.  I am not just flesh and bone.  I am so much more than that, and you are so much more than that.  Certainly things may not have gone according to plan, but whose plan were we focused on?  If what you attempted to do was governed by other people's desires or wants, if what you attempted to do was not truly in your heart, is this really something we should be saddened by if it didn't play out?  Bottom line is that we will have the desires of our heart, because those desires we placed there by our creator, and placed there because they were intended to be there for you.  

It is so easy to step away from who we are, what we are, when we are faced with uncertainty, faced with doubt, fear, or just an uneasiness about things.  What I need you to fully grasp and understand is that the real you, the unique you, the "I am that I am" you is changeless.  By virtue of the fact that it is changeless, it is the only thing that is real.  There is no doubt that these next three months of rest for me will yield new knowledge, a new depth of understanding.  I use this time to go deeper, to grasp more of what I desire to know.  This is the same thing I desire for you.  No one wants to entertain thoughts of dread, feelings of doubt.  Each of us have a destiny, and in that destiny is your call to change humanity.  Walking in your destiny is the only thing that is ever going to bring you absolute peace.  Walking in your destiny is the only acceptable outcome to this thing we call life.  

Whether you believe it or not, you are uniquely equipped to accomplish great things.  Whether you want to admit it, you have an inner knowing of something much bigger than yourself.  Recognizing and accepting our call to arms, is one of the first steps in the process of walking in your destiny.  We celebrate Memorial Day in the United States this weekend.  This day is to remember all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this country.  There are countless people, probably unknown to us, who have come before us, and their willingness to walk in their destiny, is what has gotten you to the point of you walking in your destiny.  There is nothing that we do that will not directly impact someone else.  There is nothing that others have done that does not directly impact you.  We are all connected, and each piece of the puzzle has a place.  If one piece is missing, then it is impossible to complete it.  Your piece of the puzzle is just as important as someone else's.  

It is time that you let out the real you.  The real you that has been held captive by other's words, by fear and doubt.  It is time that you stand up and be counted.  You are not some simple, unimportant figure, simply taking up space on this planet.  Your gifting, your calling, is exactly what someone needs, and you need to put it out there if for no other reason than someone is looking for it.  When you shine your light, you are giving your light away.  Know that if you give light, light comes back to you.  It's impossible to give of yourself and not have it come back to you.  Think of this: if you were in a darkened cave, with absolutely no light, how likely is it that you would simply bolt forward without any fear or trepidation?  Well how likely would it be for the world to move forward without your light?  Even the tiniest spark of light takes away the darkness, and believe you me, you have a whole lot more than just a spark of light in you.  

As I close out this year of writing, let me leave you with one final thought.  We, meaning all of us, collectively, no one excluded, have a part to play in this life.  Your role is no less, nor more important than any other role.  Touching a single life, or a million, is no different.  The time has come for you to accept your calling.  The time has come for you to step out into your destiny.  The time has come quite frankly for you to stand in those things that you were created for.  Yes I get that there may be questions still yet unanswered, but that doesn't mean we don't start the journey.  There is much to accomplish, and no matter where you find yourself, you have a part in what is about to come forth.  A lot can happen in three months.  I'm always a little saddened when I know this hiatus is coming, but trust me, I will grow from it, and then I can pass it on to each of you.  Be blessed my dear friends, and you can always drop me a note.  I post on facebook, and you can always message me, and we can talk.  Love and light to all.  I'll see you gain in September.

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