Sunday, November 29, 2020

Make me an instrument of your peace.
As many of you might know we recently moved into our new home in Fort Worth, Texas.  I wasn't quite sure what I was going to write about this morning, and just like that, it was there.  I've just about got my home office all set up, still a few remaining things to get put away, but functional.  I love pictures and things on the wall, so my office is quite full of moments of past happenings in my life.  One of the things I have framed is the Prayer of St. Francis.  I can remember growing up singing a song in church about making me an instrument of your peace.  For some unexplainable, yet acceptable reason, when I saw it starring at me I just knew that peace was going to be what needed to be written about today.

Now peace can come in many forms, and it can come at different times in each individual's life.  Sadly there are many who never really experience peace, at least not in any real or concrete way.  Their lives are filled with stress, complicated by worry, and usually filled with anything other than peace.  So today I want to bring peace to you.  I want you to realize that peace is a choice, and it really is a choice that each of us should make.  We've had a really strange year.  No one predicted what 2020 was going to be like, at least no one that I know of personally.  This past year has offered us ample opportunity to walk in anything but peace.  Not only were there health concerns for many, but the financial worry that many were  experiencing did nothing to encourage a peaceful existence.  Peace is not something that comes easy to many people, yet a peaceful existence is what each of us should seek after.  Now seeking out peace, and experiencing peace can be two very different things, but ultimately our goal should be to live in absolute peace.  I know this sounds simple, and yet to many it seems to be an impossibility.  Let drill down a little and see what may be the stopping some from living in absolute peace.

The first thing that needs to be said is that many simply don't realize that peace is for them.  We were not put here on this planet to live in turmoil.  We were created to live a life of peace and tranquility.  Impossible some might say, but those saying it have not fully grasped the significance of their creation.  I can say it a million times, but sadly many will never realize that we were never intended to live in lack, to live in sickness, to walk around wondering what catastrophe is going to happen next.  When we fully understand and accept our greatness, peace will follow.  There is not a night that goes by that I do not say to myself right before I drift off to sleep that "I am that I am."  These simple words are a reflection of the true me.  The true me is not what may have happened during the day, or what might happen tomorrow.  The true me is " I am that I am."  How can one live in peace if one cannot accept and recognize their own greatness?  It is this greatness that allows one to operate in defiance of all the other stuff happening around them.  Certainly we can choose to see life and all of its challengers as something other than perfect.  We can operate from a position of surrender, taking what is thrown at us, and thinking there is no way out.  I don't live this way, and neither should you.  Peace is the absence of fear.  I can promise you that if you are fearful, you are not walking in peace.  

Why is peace so important?  If you look at the prayer of St. Francis he desires to be love when love is needed.  He desires to bring comfort.  Where there is despair, be hope.  When it is dark, be the light.  None of this is possible if you are not operating in peace.  My desire is to touch life each day. Be it a smile, a warm welcome, a word of encouragement, all of these can change a life.  If I am walking around in fear, I am not able to bring peace to another soul.  If I am worried about my own life, how can I be an instrument of peace to another?  Yes we have had some trials this year, but those trials can't stop you from being the person you were intended to be, nor should it stop you from sharing peace with others.  I'm often told that my optimism is a reflection of the real me, but it's not a reflection of what someone else might be going through.  I agree, but what you are going through is not always a reflection of what you should be going through.  We allow garbage to enter our life because we feel we are just a victim of circumstances.  You're not a victim, let's get that straight.  Yes we will be challenged from time to time, but those challenges do not define you, at least they shouldn't.  A gold nugget covered in dirt is still a gold nugget.  A diamond not yet cut to perfection is still a diamond, and you, are still an instrument of peace whether or not you feel like it in the moment.  

There are so many situations that we face from day to day, some good, some not so good.  How we react to each situation is going to be dependent on how we see ourselves.  How we see ourselves is dependent on what you truly believe.  What you truly believe about yourself is where truth lies.  No one can be an instrument of peace if they are walking around void of peace.  As I'm writing this morning I'm at peace.  I have my coffee.  Our dog is sitting next to me on her perch sleeping as I write.  My thoughts are not on what may have happened yesterday, or what may happen tomorrow, they are on bringing you this message.  I am happy, content, and at peace.  I have decisions to make, as each of you do as well, but I can't allow an absence of peace to dictate how I make those decisions.  My decisions need to be based on knowing who I am, what I am, and why I am here.  You cannot begin a journey not having a clue where you want to end up.  No one goes through life making decisions without an inkling of where they want to go. 

If you are walking in peace, you are able to share that peace with others.  If you are sharing that peace with others, they will in turn share it with someone else, and before you know it, it will move around the world.  If you sow turmoil, fear, doubt, then that's what will be happening all around you.  Now given the option to be in peace, or rolling around in crapola what is the better option?  Peace begins with you, and it begins when you open your eyes in the morning.  If the first thing you think about is challenges, or what may or may not happen today, it's a pretty sure bet your day is not going to be filled with peace.  If on the other hand you wake up and peace is forefront in your mind, it's going to be a good day.  Allow your peace to be a starting point for others to experience peace.  Your actions speak louder than words.  If you display peace, others will walk in that peace.  

My hope, my desire, one of my goals in life, is to help others reach a place of peace.  It is only through this place of peace that you will be able to fully live your life, and bring to others what they need to find peace.  We hear about the circle of life, but there is a circle of peace.  As you enter this sphere of peace, you become the catalyst for others to walk in peace.  It is a cycle that we need, a cycle that we can influence, and a cycle that will ultimately change the world.  I want to sow love. I want to sow light in darkness.  I want to walk in peace so others can experience peace.  I live in peace in order to give peace.  I encourage you to discover your own peace, and in turn, spread that peace to the rest of humanity.

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