Sunday, April 12, 2020

Look at the bright side.....
Every race has a beginning and and end.  Now the end may not always be what you expected, but it will be what it was always intended to be.  I want you to look at the bright side of things today.  No matter what we have gone through, or might be going through, there is a reason for it.  Often we go through trials to teach us something, and that something is exactly what you are going to need for something down the road.  Far too many people look at things and always want to label it as a total loss, when in fact it is something that will or has prepared you to have it all.

Life is a marathon, that's no doubt, but how you finish the race isn't always what should be focused on.  There's no question that in order to run a marathon, you had better train.  I've never known anyone who simply decides that coming this next weekend, they are going to tie up their shoes and make the 26 mile trek. No, they need to plan, they need to train, and if it were me, I'd need to pray.  Preparation is key to completing the race, and any sane person realizes that.  Well life is nothing more than an opportunity to prepare, a chance to get things in order, and most importantly, it's just a stepping stone to your next adventure.  We humans look at things in a single dimension.  We don't, or can't imagine anything that is not right in front of our eyes.  Sadly there is so much more to our existence than what we may or may not see in front of us.  If you are going to look at the bright side, then you are going to have to start accepting the big picture.  That picture is so vast, so huge, so enormous, that it almost can't be described in words.  This is what I want you to focus in on today, and this is what I want you to learn to incorporate into your daily life from this point forward.

Our body, this thing that carries us around each day, is finite.  It has a beginning and an end.  Our spirit, our true essence is infinite.  To say that infinite is long lasting is an understatement, yet we tend to think in terms that all things will end.  Allow me to go back the marathon metaphor.  When you begin to run, the first mile will prepare you for the second mile, and the second for the third, and on and on til the end.  Each section or phase of life is preparing you for the next step or phase.  At the beginning of a marathon there are many who will wonder if this race is ever going to end.  In life, many people wonder the same thing: will the struggles ever end, will life get any better, will I only exist?  If one were to constantly think about the 26 plus miles in a marathon, and not on the mile they are on, they would probably quit before they even started.  Focus on the here and now, and forget about that mile behind you, and the one in front.  You can't change five minutes ago, and you never know what the next mile may bring.  You might find yourself running up a hill, or you might get lucky and get to ease down the other side of a mountain.  Either way, you are still moving forward, and in any race, that is the main objective.

We are in some crazy times with Covid-19.  Many are experiencing things they never experienced before.  There is fear, anxiety, and lots and lots of stress.  It's easy to focus on all the negative, but has focusing on the negative ever done you any good?  Instead of doom and gloom, look at the bright side, and believe it or not there is a bright side.  The bright side of things begins with you understanding that no matter what is happening around you, all things are intended to happen.  When tragedy happens people come together to prop others up.  When fear grips a nation, the nation comes together to uplift others.  When the shit hits the fan, we all join in to support one another.  We are stronger when we work together, and together is what gets us through the tough times.  As with any crisis, there will be an end to it, it can't last forever.  Well maybe someone should have told the dinosaurs, but I digress. All kidding aside, I want to encourage you to see your life as a series of opportunities and possibilities, and not only as a reaction to what might be going on around you.  When a crisis comes too many people forget about what is true and what is not.  Without regard to what might be going on around you, you do not change.  You are still a creator.  You are still divine.  These things do not, and will not change.  The only thing that changes is how you perceive them, or how you hold on to them, or even, if you believe them.  If you look at a marathon and fixate on the 26 miles, chances are you will never even get past the first mile.

I really, really, really, want to encourage you to look at the bright side.  I get up each morning and I remind myself that I am so much more than just a human being who goes through life reacting, and not creating.  I remind myself that I have unlimited power and ability.  I remind myself that I am love, light, joy, and happiness.  I am abundant, and most of all, I am infinite.  When you see these things, then you live these things.  When you feel these things, you live these things.  When you can say these things, you possess these things.  It's as simple as that.  Well maybe not simple, but it certainly is within your grasp if you are willing to accept these truths.  When you begin to look at the bright side, you begin to live the life you were always intended to live.  When you look at the bright side, then the dark is not able to come and darken your day.  When you look at the bright side, you stand in your power and realize that you are "I am that I am."

WE are entering a time of enlightenment, and I encourage each of you to grasp what has always been inside of you.  I want to encourage you to look at the bright side and walk toward the light.  I want to encourage you to be the real you.  When you accept your greatness, your true self, your original, uniques self, then you will walk in light and truth.  Know this my friends:  you are magnificent, one of a kind.  Don't allow the trials of today dictate any worries for tomorrow.  Stand in your power, ride the wind of divinity, and create the world of your dreams.  All these things happens from the bright side of things.  So let it be written, so let it be done.

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