Sunday, April 19, 2020

It's All Good. At least I hope you think so.
Most everyone has met someone famous in their life.  I've been fortunate and have met many celebrities, politicians, and even Presidents.  Did you realize that even famous people deal with the same issues you deal with?  Sometimes, they are far worse off than you might think.  What happens in front of the camera, or in front of the limelights is totally different that what might be happening behind the scenes.  What I want you to look at this morning is all the good around you, in you, and meant for you.  It matters not where you come from, what you might have gone through in life, it's all good.  Everything we have experienced is about teaching.  Now some teaching moments are not the most enjoyable things to go through, but none-the-less, they are still teaching moments.  When we can learn from every event, we are one step closer to being in the place we were always intended to be in.

Believe me when I tell you it's all good.   What others might mean for your destruction is really meant to teach, to lead, to shape and to mold you.  Certainly there are times when we really don't feel like being shaped or molded, since most of that process sucks, but in the end the results will simply amaze you.  Looking back on all that you have learned, all that you have  been taught through your experiences should put a smile on your face.  You are different then you were just two or three years ago.  Each of you have grown, and you have grown because of what you have experienced in life.  East day in our life is a process.  Each phase of our life is ordained.  Who you are was always meant to be.  When you can appreciate it all, you can learn from it all.  When you learn, you grow, when you grow you blossom.  When you blossom you then become someone else's good luck charm.  We are who we are so that others can become who they are meant to be.  It is a cycle, but it is a perfect cycle, created by a perfect Creator.  And yes, you are part of that perfect creation because you are part of the perfection of the Universe.

I've been writing this blog for about ten years.  Each time I sit down to write I am so honored to be doing what I do.  I have learned so much during these past ten years, and my life has changed so much during that time.  If you had ever told me that I would invest ten years writing, I would have thought you totally insane.  If you had even hinted at me being a published author, well let's just say it would not have registered on my radar.  I write each week because that is what I am, a writer.  I'm not attempting to be a writer, I am a writer.  I say all that to say this, whatever it is that you were created to do, you are already that, without regard to whether you are doing it right now or not.  If we had to wait for our own, let's call it "attainment of perfection" before we stepped out into our destiny, we'd all be waiting forever.  Stepping out into your calling is perfection personified.  Accepting your destiny is perfection, and you don't have to be all clean and polished to start.  My first book is  nothing like how I write now.  Well, maybe not all that different, but certainly not as polished as now. I've been told by numerous people how much they enjoy my style, my words, my messages.  Certainly that makes me feel good, but it also makes me realize how utterly blessed I am to be doing what I do.  This is what I desire for each of you.  I'm telling you there is nothing like loving what you do, and knowing that you get to do it for the rest of your life. Nothing, nothing, nothing better than that.

I know people who try to bury their past, as if it is something to be embarrassed about.  When you are able to learn lessons from all things, then there is never a reason to be embarrassed.  I have done some pretty dumb things in my life, but I'm still here, and I'm better for the stupidity.  Stop beating yourself up for things that might not be exactly what you wanted, because it was what you needed.  We will always be growing, learning, no matter what age you are.  In the process of growing and learning, we are going to experience different things, and there will be times when what we go through might not be pleasant.  Hiding the unpleasantries is not going to make them go away.  Own who you are.  Own what you are going through.  Allow everything to bring you to you intended point of life.

Yes my friends, it is all good.  Blessings abound, they are all around you.  Many of these blessings may be hidden in life's lessons.  Lessons mind you, that are intended to help you grow and become aware of the great power you have within your being.  If I had the ability to flip a switch and instantly you would be totally enlightened to you true essence I would do that.  For you, the light switch happens to be the lessons you learn.  For you, and for everyone else around you, the lessons are what will get you to the perfect place in life.  I will admit that growing is not always a fun process, but it is a necessary evil, so to speak, to get you to the proper place.  Maybe today's blog is not what you wanted to hear, but it what you needed to hear, and I include myself in needing to hear certain things. We have a tendency to look past the bad, instead of using it to grow.  If you can see all things as lessons, then you really have no need to classify things as bad, or wrong, or even awful.  When you find joy in all things, more joy will come to you.  When you see good in all things, more good comes to you.  When you begin to enjoy all that life brings to you, then you will be living the life of intention.   I send each of you love and light, and my desires for blessings to surround you.  Look for the good, accept the good, and become the good for you, and for others around you.

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