Sunday, October 6, 2019

Live the life you were always intended to live!
It doesn't really matter how old you are at the moment, it's never too late to live the life you were always intended to live.  We all know that life has a way of changing direction, throwing us a curve, or simply not measuring up to what we thought it was going to be like.  I'm here today to let you know that you can have joy and happiness in all that you do, in all that you are, and in all that you imagine.  It might not seem possible in light of what you may have gone through as a younger person, but all of the past was your teaching ground.  Now is the time to take what you have learned and use it to improve the lives of those around you, and that includes yourself.

When we were just wee little tykes there weren't a lot of things that we worried about.  We were pretty much assured that we were going to be fed when we got hungry.  Our constant crying would see to that.  We would get changed when we peed or pooped our diapers.  We would constantly have older folks oohing and awing over us and telling us what cute little things we were.  Somewhere down the line we forgot what it was like to have that child like faith and we began to let the world dictate to us how we would feel at any given moment.  There in lies where we went wrong.  Not only did we stop living like a child, but we stopped believing like a child and we lost our innocence.  I know we've been told all of our lives that we needed to grow up and start acting our age.  Well I guess the rebel in me is about to come out again, because to be blunt I refuse to act my age and I will never, and I mean never grow up.

My Granddaughter Madison turns one today.  Do you think she is worried about what college she is going to attend?  Do you really think she's worried about what she is going to wear to the High School reunion and what people will think about her?  The only thing Madison has on her mind is what kind of fun and new experiences will she discover today, and when will she be free to just run around the house getting into whatever it is that she wants to get into.  This is the mindset each of us should have every day of our lives, and screw what others think, or what others say.  I absolutely despise when someone has the unmitigated gall to tell me they know what I'm thinking.  No you don't!  Unless you have lived my exact life, done everything the same way that I did, there is no way that you know what I'm thinking or feeling.  Yes I know they are saying this to be kind, but being kind and being stupid are two different things, but I digress.

If the weight of the world has got you down, why not shed the weight of the world and simply walk away from it?  I know some will wonder how to do this, and others will say that it's impossible to just walk away, after all they have responsibilities.  Just because you have responsibilities doesn't mean they have to dictate how you live your life and how you see your life.  I'm telling you that we need to start looking at life through the eyes of that young child.  We need the joy of being a child to be back front and center in our lives.  We need to laugh and have fun like a little kid.  Being all serious and stressed out is never going to bring joy into your life, and a life without joy is really not a life is it?

When's the last time you had a really good day?  A really good day could mean different things to different people, but imagine a day where you weren't worried about the bills, the condition of the car, the amount of work you still had complete with little or no time to complete it in.  Think about a day where you were free to do anything.  Think of a day with zero restrictions.  Think of a day that knew nothing but absolute peace, joy, and happiness in it.  What would you do with a day like this?  What would life be like for you if all you experienced on any given day was peace, joy, and happiness?  Sadly there are so many who can't even imagine a day like this.  Well maybe it's time to realize that peace, joy, and happiness is what you were designed for, what you were designed around, and what you were designed to walk in at all times.  We have let our surroundings, our upbringing, and our own expectations of things to dictate what our future looks like.  I can sit here and think about all the things I don't want in my life, but if I'm focusing on the things I don't want, I'm not focusing on all the things I already have, and the things I should be grateful for having in my life.

Whether you believe it or not, we create our own reality.  If you want to have the life of peace, the life of joy, the life that every single person on your street is envious of, maybe you should start by setting the intention that you shall have all of it.  Let me tell you that there is plenty to go around, as the universe has an endless supply of peace, joy, and happiness.  Why someone would want to be void of these things is beyond me, but it really is there for you in a supply that is unending.  When I lay down to fall asleep each night, and when I get up each morning I think about intention, and that I am part of intention.  I am it, and it is me.  I feel it in my body, my mind, my heart.  Certainly there are moments in my day when I am not focused on intention, but I am quickly reminded that I need to get back to intention.  I do not want for anything because I have it all.  When one is focused on what they don't have, they are incapable of being thankful for all the good things that they do have.  Life is not what you have, life is all about who you are.  You are peace, joy, and happiness.  Living a life void of these things is not really a life, is it?  My good friends it's time we start living the life we were always intended to live, and once you make that determination to do just that, life changes in remarkable ways.

If your life needs a pick-me-up, let me know and I'll give you one.  I love writing, and I love talking about destiny, and why you need to discover yours.  I get to do what I love, and please know that I totally love what I do.  You deserve to have the very same thing in your life.  You were intended to from the beginning of time to know nothing but peace, love, joy, and happiness.  If you are not experiencing all of these, then we need to make some adjustments.  Trust me, when you reach out to the universe for more of these things, they will come in such a fashion that they will overtake you.  Live the life you were intended to live, and share it with others.  Trust me on this, you will never look back and regret a thing.

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