Saturday, July 27, 2019

Who are you?
It's a question that most people have asked themselves at least once in their lifetime, who am I? So I guess it's as good a time as any to ask you, who are you?  Now many will fidget while trying to answer this question, and others will be direct and to the point describing who they are.  If I asked you to describe yourself to me right now, what would your answer be?  I know for a fact that my answer to this question has changed over the years.  There have been times when I couldn't answer, and there have been times when I didn't want to answer.  Quite frankly I didn't want to answer the question because I didn't like who I was or who I had become.  If you have ever been in the position of not liking who you were, then more then likely you would find it very uncomfortable answering this simple question.  Well maybe not a simple question to everyone, but a question that will force you to really take an inventory of your life.

Lets be totally blunt here for a minute; you are not your body, your job, your processions.  You are not what others may think of you.  You aren't even the same person you were when you were born.  Every cell in your body has changed countless times since the time of your birth.   What thirty something has the same body now as they had when they were a toddler?  They don't!  The only constant since the day of your birth is your true essence, and that is what makes you who you are.  The problem with most people is they don't know what their true essence is.  Most people have simply gone through life believing what others have said about them.  Sadly what most people have said about you is incorrect.  The time has come to really come to terms with the real you and for once in your life be able to answer the question of who you are.

Due to circumstances brought on by my own words and feelings I found myself lately falling back into old habits, believing certain limiting beliefs.  I was prompted to re-read one of my favorite books, Wishes Fulfilled, by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  To say that Spirit was spot on telling me to re-read this is an understatement.  I'm on my second reading this time through and I will say that I am picking up even more then the first 11 times I've read the book.  What I want to say to you today is now is the best time to forget what others may have said to you and simply focus on the real you.  You see the real you is not what most people have grown accustomed to in their own lives.  Most people go through each day simply believing that they have no control over what goes on, and because of this why even give a damn about life in general.  You have absolute control over what happens in your life and if you don't believe this then you are in worse shape then I thought.  In last weeks blogs I said I was going to delve into who we really are, so I want you to tighten your belts and prepare yourself for a ride that will change your life.  Well it will change your life if you are willing to accept certain truths that up till this point have escaped many, many people.

You, meaning you, only you, singularly you, are not just a human.  You may believe you are just a human, but you are so much more.  You have inside of you all the traits, all the attributes, and all the abilities that every enlightened person from the beginning of times has ever displayed.  Christ made the statement that we have God abiding in us, and he went as far as saying we are god.   If God is in us then how could we ever be anything but god?  Now many of my Christian friends are going to have a difficult time with this, but they are the same people who are walking around wondering why the world has pooped all over them.  We are created beings and we were meant to create.  Sadly most people are only creating things in their life that they really don't want.  God said to Moses "I am".  If God is "I am" and we are God, then doesn't it make sense that we are "I am" as well?  If you can't wrap your head around this, then you are going to continue to struggle with all the things you say about yourself.  How many times have we talked about I'm sick, I'm tired?  What about I'm not loved, not strong, not talented, not this, not that?  We have bombarded our world with a whole list of what we are not, instead of saying what we are.  I am strong, I am healthy, I am prosperous.

I for one have been round Robin Hood's Barn one too many times as it relates to understanding my true self.  I guess maybe it took hitting rock bottom to figure out I didn't want to be a bottom dweller any longer and I'd better get with the program and start believing what I have somehow always known, but just needed to be reminded about.  It's not going to be something you change overnight, I mean you've been saying "I am not..." for so long, but just try to start saying all the things you are.  If you will align your words with your feelings, then your feelings are going to start helping you manifest those things in your life that you truly desire.  As Dr. Dyer says in his book saying I am strong is a whole lot stronger then saying I am weak.  If you can begin to hold true to the "I am" presence in your life then you will see things begin to change in front of your eyes.

So when I ask you next time who you are why not come back with "I am a genius", "I am loved", or "I am in the best place in my life".  Ladies and Gentlemen we have spent too much time saying all the things we aren't and not enough time saying what we are.  If you want to feel good, believe good.  If you want to have the best job then say you have the best job.  If you want to turn the world on its ear then stand tall and accept that you are "I am" and watch as things take on a whole need light in your life.

We can't change yesterday but we can change how we see today and tomorrow.  If you see today and tomorrow as beauty, as love, as joy and happiness, then guess what today and tomorrow will bring you?  I am that I am, and for right now that is what I desire most.  I hope you will join me in changing our tomorrows by changing what we say and think today.

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