Monday, June 24, 2019

It's a big world out there, and about to get bigger.
When you think of the significance of your true essence, what comes to mind first?  When you think about all the things that are going on around you, what part you might be playing in those things, what do you think about?  When you look up into the star lit night, how do you see yourself fitting in, and more importantly, how big do you see yourself?

I ask these questions today because we tend not to give ourselves enough credit when it comes to understanding our own significance and just how important we are to the rest of the universe.  Now many will never put universe and self into the same sentence, but that is their first mistake.  I've been fortunate enough over the last few weeks to have had some very deep conversations with people I hardly know.  It seems that no matter where I go, or what I am doing the conversations that I have ultimately end up being about destiny and discovering your purpose for this life.  During one of the most recent conversations I had an epiphany.  I hit me like a ton of bricks and it opened my eyes to seeing a few things just a tad bit different then I had in the past.  I'm not quite sure why getting this revelation took so long in my life, but I am confident that it came at the perfect time, and it came for the perfect reason.  Are you ready to hear what I finally figured out?  You sure?  OK, here it is:  I am vital to the perfection of the Universe.  I am key to the perfection of the Universe.  I am a huge part of the Universe.  Here's the bigger news my friends, you are just as vital, just as key, and just a big a part as I am.  We fit perfectly together like pieces in a puzzle.  Problem with most people is they see themselves as insignificant, and once you feel that way it's always an uphill battle.

Our world is getting bigger because many of it's inhabitants are getting bigger.  We are growing with a knowledge of just who and what we are, and we are finally beginning to function the way we were always intended to function.  It is time to spread the word about destiny, about who and what we really are.  So many people are lamenting about the troubled times we live in.  We live in a county that is completely polarized.  The left hates the right.  The right doesn't understand the left.  People are beginning to take their ball and going home because they don't agree with others.  I have to be honest and say that all of this is pathetic.  Wars have been started over ego.  Struggles begin when someone else has something we want and they won't let us have a part of it.  If it's not one thing, it's another, and before you know it, bam, conflict, hate, and misunderstanding is looking right at you in the face.  We have got to get off this merry-go-round and stop the madness.  The only way we are going to make strides is if we start relating to others on a deeper level and not just about what we see on thirty second sound bites on the nightly news coverage.  The time has come for our world to grown, but grow in knowledge about who we are, about what we are.

I am about to embark on a new adventure.  I am eager to start, and I look at the future with much anticipation and excitement.  I have more dreams about the future, and I am looking at how I can accomplish those dreams.  Maybe it's time that each of you consider a new adventure.  Maybe it's time that you brought a little excitement and anticipation into your world.  Maybe, just maybe, it's time that you finally admitted that you have dreams and you really, really, really, want to go after them.  I have so many things that I want to accomplish and the toughest part is trying to narrow down what I should do first.  Ladies and Gentlemen hear me when I say this:  now is not the time to simply glide into non-existence.  Now is the time to pick up all the broken pieces and put things back together again and do what it is you were always supposed to do.  Don't worry about lost time, there's no such thing as lost time.  Time is something we have used as an excuse for far too long.  You are here right now because the time to do something is right now.  You are here right now because the Universe put you here right now.  You are here right now because only you can do what you were created to do.

I know the next year is going to be fun and exciting as My husband and I move down to Texas.  I have wanted to be around family for a long time, but my desire for family time is only a small reason for our move.  I know that my next chapter is being written right now, and I know that things are moving for the next phase of my journey.  If you are sitting back wondering what your next step should be, or even if there should be a next step, let me remind you of one thing:  the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  If you want to stay eternally young, then don't stop dreaming, don't stop going after your goals.  I wrote last week that once you have reached a milestone, keep reaching.  There are always things that need to be, because there will always be people who need what you have.

The world is getting bigger because each of us are getting bigger.  We grow with more knowledge of our great abilities and with a knowing that we aren't just mere mortals.  I reach for the stars and I touch a part of the cosmos that I never touched before.  My dear friends the time has come that we engage in what others might call crazy.  The time has come to finally accept our true nature and release the unlimited potential that each of us have.  The time has come to be a vital part of the ever expanding universe and accept a seat at the table of greatness and uniqueness.  It's a big world out there and thank god it's getting bigger each and every day.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post. Such a nice reminder that we all play an important role in grand scheme of things. Thanks for spreading such a positive message.
