Sunday, June 30, 2019

Isn't it time to just do it?
They say that hindsight is 20/20.  Others feel as though it's better to simply fly by the seat of your pants.  There's even a train of thought that says if it isn't broken don't fix it.  Now I'm not saying that neither of these options shouldn't be an option.  What I want you to think about today is that little thing called instinct and why it might not be such a bad idea to follow it from time to time.

There are countless people out there who have big dreams, sadly many of them never seem to go after them.  Many people will fail the first time and for some they simply give up, while others try and try again.  My suggestion to those who have dreams is to simply go after them.  My words of encouragement are just do it!  You can wait, and wait, and wait until the cows come home, but that is never going to get you to the place you really, really want to be.

I've decided to take a leap of faith in regards to my husband's and my relocation to Texas.  I've been thinking about the move for over a year and I finally got to the point where I just needed to put things into action and boldly believe in the Universe's plan for me.  Certainly there have been a few sleepless nights, I am human after all, but I am confident that this move is the right move, at the right time.  I needed to be reminded that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and so I set out on my journey.  If you are currently waiting for the green light to do something you have always dreamt about, maybe it's time that you begin your journey of a thousand miles.

I've always said to follow your heart.  Our minds may play with us from time to time, but that's because of the ego.  The heart however is incapable of lying to you.  When we talk about instinct we are talking about listening to your heart.  When we talk about instinct we are saying that come hell or high-water we are going to go after those things that mean the most to us.  When we talk about instinct we are surrendering our will to the will of the Universe.  Trust me, the Universe wants what is best for you, and what is best for you is going after those things that were meant for you since the beginning of time.

I know that fear can grip people at times.  I'll be the first to admit that I have faced fear in the past and there have been times when I went running like a scarred little child.  The first step in eradicating fear is to realize that you have the power over fear.  Fear is nothing more then letting the unknown run amok in your mind.  There are times when we may face situations where fear is very present, when we know it's time to flee.  Truth be told, had you listened to your heart you probably would never have been in the place you weren't suppose to be.  I won't go deeper with that one, at least for the moment.  Maybe I'll write more about that at a later date, but I digress.  What I really want you to understand is that fear is never going to be on your side, and fear is only interested in getting you side tracked from doing what you were created to do.

Before I wrote my first book I was ready to throw it all away.  I had struggled and struggled for what seemed like a lifetime.  I was always that guy who was a day late and a dollar short.  I would be in bed at night just hoping that I wouldn't wake up the next morning.  Hopelessness was a constant in my life.  Through it all I just knew there was something I was supposed to do.  I had come from a job that paid me ridiculous money, but even with tons of money I was empty inside.  I got to the point where I had to loose everything.  I had to discover who the real Scott was.  I took six months to just be alone.  If I talked to four people over that six month period that was a lot. I slowly began to realize who and what I was.  When I finally decided it was time to begin to write, well let's just say that the flood gates were opened.  My world changed when I decided to finally take action, when I finally decided to just do it.

There's a reason you have dreams.  There's a reason why you can't let go of certain things.  There's a reason you think the way you do.  I'm telling you as sure as you're sitting here ready this, dreams are stepping stones to your destiny, and your destiny is why you are here.  I guess what I want to know is this: is walking in your destiny important to you?  Is doing that one thing that will completely fulfill you worth you taking the first step?  Are you sick and tired of always feeling like you are a day late and a dollar short?  My dear friends, destiny is a part of everyone.  How much better would one's life be if they were doing only what they loved doing, and having the opportunity to do it every single day of their life?

There are so many things that I still want to do in this life.  There are things that need to be done, and they need to be done by me.  You are no different then me.  Why don't you finally admit that there are things that you need to do.  It is time to put on your big girl and big boy pants and do what you know you should be doing.  There will be those around you who will think you have gone nuts, but that's OK.  They have no plans to go after their own dreams anyway.  There is a freedom that comes with taking the first few steps of your journey of a thousand miles.  Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, it is time to follow your heart and step out into the big world that we call destiny.  It's a wonderful place, and it's a place that you need to be in.  Just do it my loved ones, simply do it.

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