Monday, January 28, 2019

Bring it Home.
If ever there was a time to bring your dreams or ideas to a final conclusion, now is that time.  If ever there was a time to "Bring it Home". now is that time.  If ever there was a time to dig deep and give it your all, now is that time.

Why should there be a sense of urgency right now to complete those things that you were intended to complete? It's pretty simple: only you can complete those things that you were created to complete.  It's no more let someone else do it.  It's not the responsibility of someone else to do those things that only you can do.  It's your responsibility to choose to walk in those things that you were destined to walk in.  Far better to do it willingly then to be dragged about, crying the entire time.

Ask yourself this simple question: are you happy?  Are you confident that you are doing what you're supposed to be doing?  Are you sure that you have not settled for second best, because second best was just a tad bit easier to get to?  There is no judgment on my part no matter how you answer this question.  I just want you to think about the place you are in right now and make the determination if it is the right place for you.  Sometimes we stay put because staying put is all we know, or it's all we want to know.  Staying put in one place to long is nothing more then a life sentence of complacency.  We have to change, just like the seasons have to change.  We have to grow just like any other thing in nature has to grow.  We have to evolve.

Life is funny as it will force change on you, even if you fight change all the way.  I know so many people who so want out of the rat race they find themselves in, but still haven't figured out how to do it.  I also know of people who would love nothing more then to throw caution to the wind and simply fly off and do what is in their heart to do.  They don't take this route because they have lost faith in the simple truth that their dreams are stepping stones.  These stepping stones will lead you to your destiny, and your destiny is the reason you are here in the first place.

There have been moments in my life where things seemed to pile up.  When I say pile up I mean almost to the point of suffocating me.  I simply wanted to roll up in a little ball and let life roll right past me.  I was so overcome with worry and doubt that it was impossible for me to even get out of my own way.  At this point in my life it wasn't a matter of bringing things home, it was simply a matter of survival.  I didn't care about my dreams, all I cared about was getting through the day.  I had so been beaten up by the rest of the world, that I had nothing left.  I'm not sure what the tipping point was, but I finally had had enough of the garbage and decided I was not going to let the bastards get me down.  I took months to look deep within and figure out just who I was.  In the process I also discovered what I was.  The combination of the two is what set me free so to speak.  Coming to the realization of who and what I was changed my life forever.  I finally understood the truth that I was here for a reason.  I had a destiny.  I was created to create.  Once I was able to accept these truths, everything began to line up in perfect order.  Now just so you know, I still have struggles and battles, after all I am human.  I still come up short from time to time, I am human.  There are even times when I still doubt and worry, once again that human thing.  What I have learned however is that no matter what I am going through, the real me never changes.  The dreams I have are still real and they are still mine.  The desires in my heart are still real and they are still mine.

No matter what you may have gone through in life, what you might be facing right now, you still have a destiny, and you still have dreams that need to be brought to completion.  There is never going to be a time in your life when you will not have a dream to go after.  Having dreams should make you happy beyond belief.  Knowing that you will always have dreams to go after should keep you young forever.  I've always said that the point in time when you give up on your dreams is the day you begin to die slowly.  Never give up on your dreams, and for god sakes don't grown up.  The child like faith, that simple joy of a child is what each of us should always strive to maintain.

So what do you say, will you join me and together we can bring it home?  There has never been a better time to join forces and kick the crap out of complacency.  I learned a long time ago that I can't do it all on my own.  I need help, and if you are being honest with yourself you need help as well.  Life is always going to be better when you live with others around you.  Life is always going to be better when you open up yourself to others.  Life is always going to be better when you let love become your driving force.  Allow yourself to love others, and for goodness sake let others love you. Let's agree that having your dreams come to fruition is a good thing.  Let's agree that you deserve to have the desires of your heart.  Let's agree that you are just as deserving as anyone else.  Let's agree that it's time to bring it home, and bring it home in a big way.  It's time to run with your dreams and finally see where those dreams will take you.

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