Monday, December 17, 2018

It's beginning to look a lot like...

If you're like me then you're probably running round like crazy trying to get everything done and maybe, just maybe find a few minutes to simply put your feet up and take a quick nap.  Tis the season, and with this season can come some great times and regrettably some not so great times.  It is during the not so great times that I want you to think about a few things, and then you just might find the real meaning of the season.

We have placed so much emphasis on certain aspects of the Holiday Season, that many have forgotten what is most important during this time of year. There are ample movies out today depicting what the perfect Christmas is supposed to look like.  Sadly, there are far too many people who will never experience this type of holiday and there is a myriad of reasons why.  In my own way I am going to try and cut through all the garbage that is out there and simply provide you my idea of the perfect holiday and let you take it from there.

Now the first thing that most people think about during the Christmas Holiday is family.  How great it is to spend time with said family and how great it will be when everyone gets together.  What if you don't have family around you or the ability to get with family?  Well that definitely can put a damper on the good ole Christmas Spirit.  The next thing most people think about are the presents and all the pageantry that comes with this perfect holiday.  Well what if you can't afford the presents and what if there is no way you can provide that pageantry to those around you?  Once again it looks like this holiday is going to be another downer, doesn't it?  Maybe as a society we have focused on the wrong thing, and since it has been happening for so many years, that focus has become common place.  Just because it has been that way, doesn't mean it has to stay the way.  Maybe you can take a stance and get back to the real meaning of this holiday season.  I guess if one is to get back to the real meaning, then one would have to know the real meaning.

 So here you go, the real meaning:  It's all about me, myself, and I.  OMG, how in God's name can anyone take a stance that this holiday is all about me, myself and I.  Well let me tell you why I say that:  because it has to start with me, myself, and I.  If you are unable to love yourself, know who and what you are, and why you are here, all the pomp and pageantry of this season is going to be a mute point anyway.  If you don't recognize your importance to the universe then all you are going to do is fall prey to the rest of those who only think about the presents and pageantry.  Now let me say this, I love giving presents, and there are times when I love to get presents, but the trading of objects is never going to elevate you to the point of self-realization.  When you are able to recognize your own true greatness, then and only then will you be able to enter into the holiday season full and complete. The most expensive gifts on the planet are never going to get you to the point of where you fulfill your destiny.  Spending hour after hour in the lines at the store, or in your attic trying to wrap gifts is never going to get you to your destiny.  Knowing who you are however, is a great first step in discovering your destiny.

When you are able to focus on me, myself, and I, then and only then, will you be able to focus on others.  The greatest gift you can give yourself this year is the gift of self-actualization.  Knowing and walking in what makes you you. You are a gift.  You are amazing.  You are the best part of Christmas.  Now if all this makes you squirm or feel unworthy, then you've got to get with the program and start seeing your self as a gift and as amazing.  There's a huge difference between arrogant and amazing.  I don't care for arrogance, but do I love amazing.  If you truly see yourself as amazing and as a gift, then arrogance will never come into play.  Arrogance is only there from people who have measured themselves by what they have.  Being truly amazing is seeing what you can give to others.  Now can you see the difference?

This Christmas I want you to see yourself as the Greatest Gift.  When you can give from your true essence, then you have given the very best.  It's kind of like giving a Hallmark Card, LOL.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas because you have begun to look like the real you.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas because you have given from the real you.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas because you have finally seen the light, and you my good friend are indeed a bring shinny light.  As you step out into the things that are yours, have always been yours, and will always be yours, step out with confidence and step out with excitement.  This holiday season can be a turning point, that moment in time when me, myself, and I finally stepped out into the world, a world that dearly needs what you have to share.

Have a very Merry Christmas and share the best part of you with others.  You just might change the world.

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