Saturday, December 29, 2018

2019, A year to Remember
It's almost unfathomable how fast 2018 went by.  It seems as though we blinked and it was gone.  Will 2019 follow suit?  Will the upcoming year bring you the desires of your heart?  Will you look back on 2018 and under your breath let out a sigh of relief that it is finally over?  No matter what 2018 ended like, and no matter what 2019 has in store for you, it's time to sit back,  give some thought to what happened or didn't happen last year, and think about what you're hoping to happen in the upcoming year.

The New Year brings with it New Hope.  As I always say there is no need to live in the past, since what has already transpired can never be changed.  We live with our actions, we live with our triumphs and failures, and we live with the lessons we learned over the last twelve months.  What we take into the New Year is an awareness of all the things we want, those things we no longer need or want, and we take with us hope.  Hope for better tomorrows.  Hope for our hearts desires.  Hope for those around us who are in need of direction.  We have hope, because hope is what gets us moving each and every day.  Hope is what tells us that things will be better and that history is a teacher, but by no means is it something that has to repeat itself.

Here's where many people make a mistake when it comes to ringing in the New Year.  There are those who feel that all will be new and that simply by the clock hitting midnight that all that was is no longer.  Sadly this is not so.  If you have been carrying worry and stress around with you most of the previous year, it's a pretty sure bet that you will be carrying it with you into and through most of the next year.  If you want to remove that worry and stress, then change your mindset.  If you want to remove that worry and stress, then start by accepting what you are.  If you desire to free yourself from all the worry and stress then recognize your true greatness.  There is no need to repeat all that went on the previous year, especially if all you want to do is run away from what happened to you in 2018.  Yes we need to learn from all those things we went through, but we don't have to carry the burdens any longer, and we certainly don't have to repeat them.

Most everyone I know looks toward the New Year and has a hope.  Most people I know have already begun to put together thoughts about what the New Year will be like, and what they want to achieve during the next 12 months.  Most people I know are quite ready to end this past year and move ahead to something completely different.  It doesn't matter what others want, what really matters is what do you want?  Do you want a repeat of the last year?  If yes, well then just continue on your merry way and you're pretty much assured to have what you had before.  If however you are looking for a change, well then it's time that you allowed change to come into your life.  We often don't change because we don't want to.  Change is good.  Change is fun.  Change is something that in reality we really don't have much say over.

I want to say something about worthiness.  Many have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to understanding our own worth.  There are so many idiots out there who want nothing more then to tear someone down.  There are other idiots out there who want nothing more then to make you feel like you have nothing to offer anyone.  Sadly you can't fix stupid, and to those who say these stupid things, you probably will not be able to change them.  You are as worthy as anyone around you.  There is no measuring stick when it comes to worthiness.  By virtue of your mere existence you have been given unending power to create.  After all, and I've said this many, many, many times in the past, you were created to create.  The only reason you have failed to obtain all of your dreams and desires is because some idiot has told you that it's not possible.  Once again, stupid is as stupid does.  My hope for 2019 is that everyone could grasp the significance of their true essence and being.  My dreams for 2019 are that countless will discover their True Destiny and finally take possession of what has always been rightfully theirs.

As we enter this next year why not throw caution to the wind and just do something different.   Stretch yourself and do something that might be totally unexpected.  Being cautious is not a bad thing, but being overly cautious to the point of standing still is simply stupid.  I know this may sound harsh to some, but sometimes everyone needs a kick in the ass every now and again, present company included.  There are so many things that I still want to accomplish and I,just like so many others, have been afraid to step out into my new reality.  In this case it really is like "physician heal thyself."  If I can step out into new and different things, then you can also step out and do something new.  Everyone always tells you not to put the cart in front of the horse.  Why is that?  Isn't the action of simply moving the cart movement on your part?  Any movement is better then no movement, and sooner or later the horse will take its rightful place.  Until such time, continue to move, it's never going to hurt you.

As we enter 2019 I am confident that many of you will get the answers you have been looking for because you have opened yourselves up to hearing them.  You see, desire is the first step in getting what you truly want.  Without desire, there is no direction, and without direction there can be no real movement.  I know this year will be life changing to many.  Yes cliche, but even something cliche has merit.  Hold fast to dreams, never let go of your truth, and for goodness sake, don't fail to walk through doors that have been opened for you.  Happy New Year to each of you and continue to walk in love and light.

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