Monday, October 9, 2017

Are you going to be scared, or are you going to do something about it?
So are you the type who is scared of things that go bump in the night?  Are you the type who faces down challenges and laughs in the face of danger?  As you are well aware there are all kinds of people, and even though you might be able to face the giants one day, that doesn't mean you are going to be able to do it everyday, at least not with a little help from others.

We have allowed fear to take center stage for far too long.   We, and I include myself in this statement, have allowed our fear of what might be, stop us in our tracks so that what might be never has a chance to appear.  And just so you don't think that I'm crazy, what might be just might be the one thing you've been waiting for your whole life.  What I want to do today is inspire you to forget about those things that go bump in the night and press forward with what you know to be truth, what you know is in your heart to do, and quite frankly move forward with those things that you were always intended to do.

I am not immune to fear.  I hate Snakes, run from Wasp and Hornets, and don't have a desire to go swimming with a Great White.  That being said, there isn't a whole lot of other things that scare me, at least when it comes to daily living.  I can assure you I am not afraid of death, and I pretty much go where I want to go, but that's because I have friends in very high places who can swoop down in an instant to provide protection, thank you Angels.  Sadly there are literally millions of people who are frozen in time and motion out of a fear of the unknown, or what they perceive as the unknown.  However, let me ask you a question:  if you are following what is in your heart, is there anything that can ever be listed as unknown?  We have allowed fear to dictate our lives and we have lost countless opportunities because that fear was present.  It is time to put fear to bed, and step out and do what you know you're supposed to be doing.

Let me say that there is a huge difference between being cautious and being afraid. There are always going to be situations where caution is called for.  On the opposite side of the coin, there will be times when fear is very present, but few ever ask the question as to why the fear is there. If I were climbing up the face of Half Dome in Yosemite, I can assure you I would be very cautious, that after all is wisdom.  If fear were my co-pilot then it's doubtful I would ever attempt such a climb.  How many times has fear stopped you from doing something that you really wanted to try?  How many times has fear stripped you of any desire to move forward?  How many times has fear made you run away from something that you really, really, really wanted in life?

Experts will tell us that when faced with a life or death moment that our instinct of fight or flight kicks in automatically.  The human experience is such that almost all living humans will fight for survival.  Try as you might to be brave there will come a time when you will have to decide do I run or do I fight.  Well it's time to stop running and it's time to face your fears.  There was a time in my life that my greatest fear was success.  Even though I knew I had a few books inside of me there was something that always stopped me from pursing my destiny.  It wasn't until I took some time away from everything that I was able to discover the real me.  That time spend in absolute solitude was the changing point for me.  I began to see things as they were truly supposed to be and not anything based on what others said or expected of me.  I stopped running away from those things that seemed to frighten me and I embraced what had always been inside of me.  Maybe this is the moment you should embrace what is inside and forget about all the forces around you that want nothing more then for you to run in fear.

There will always be an element of uncertainty when you begin a new journey, after all we are human and as much as we would like to rid ourselves of man's conditioning, we still have a few things to learn.  I want to encourage you to take a chance and instead of running away from things, hit them head on.  More often then not what you experience in real life is not nearly as bad as those things you conjure up in your mind.  Do you remember how scared you were when you went on the huge roller coaster and how your life nearly flashed before you as you were climbing up the initial climb?  After the ride you were ready to go on it again, and again.  Well simply put, that's how we handle the fear that might try to grip us on our daily walk toward our destiny.  When all is said and done you will probably come to the conclusion that things weren't as bad as you first thought and you are ready to take on the next event or situation.

So will you let fear grip you, or will you simply move past it and occupy that victorious space that has always been meant for you?  I am forced to look fear in the face almost daily, but after years and years of facing those things that frightened me, I have learned to look past the fear and depend on the truth that resides in me.  I encourage you to take up this stance and when you do, things will change.  Fear is the absence of peace.  Peace is a product of love.  Love is the great equalizer.  When you love what you are doing I dare say that fear will never rear its ugly head in your presence.  It is time to live with love and peace and tell fear to take a leap.  Trust me, you will thank me later for sharing this wisdom.

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