Monday, May 22, 2017

Take a stand and be the you you're supposed to be.
It's another Monday.  It's a different Monday from last week's, and it will be different from the next one you happen to be in.   Days come and go, and seasons, well seasons change all the time.  What will never change, and when I say never I do mean never, what will never change is who you are and why you are here.  I encourage you to begin to take a stand and show the world who you are, what you are, and why you are here.  What's that you say, you're not sure of any of that?  Well, believe me when I say you are in good company.  There are countless people out there who have yet to accept the premise of their existence.  There are plenty of people out there who refuse to be who they're supposed to be.  There are so, so many people walking about who feel as though they will never get to point B, but that's because they have never left point A.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, it's time to take a stand and stop allowing the world to dictate your actions.  It's maddening to see so many people ruled by what others think or say.  It's mind boggling to see those who think they know what is best for you when quite frankly they are neither true to themselves or their own callings.

So what are you going to do?  You have a choice to make.  You can either be swayed by what others think is best for you, or you can lock on to what you know is best for you and never look back.  Let me ask you a very simple question:  are you really happy with the place you are in right now?  If you are, that's great.  Stay right where you're at and be the person you want to be.  If on the other hand you know you are out of place, isn't this a good time to make a change?  I find myself spending way too much time wondering "What if".  What if I had done the other thing?  What if, instead of bobbing right I decided to bob left?  What if, what if, what if?  Stop the "What if" game and stop driving yourself nuts with all the should of, would of, could of stuff.  If you haven't figured out that you are in the perfect spot right now, then you will forever be going around in circles.  The Universe knows exactly what you need, when you need it, and you will have what you need to do the things you need to do.  The sooner you can grasp this truth the sooner you can move on with your life and start enjoying the life that was always intended for you.

If ever there was a time to take a stand, now is that time.  The world is complicated right now, and sadly there are many who live each day in fear.  I have kept away from all things political as I see no need to inject my views to others who quite frankly don't see things the way I see them.  If I constantly walk around with negativity, then isn't it likely that all I'm going to know is more negativity?  If I constantly worry about all the things that I don't have, aren't I inviting more of this lack into my world?  There are two sayings I always think about:  "As above, so below", and "As you think, so shall you become." I was talking to my dearest friend this past weekend, as I needed to vent, as I was having a momentary pity party for myself.  As we talked all I could think about was what I wanted, and not so much what I already had.  You see, I too wonder when all my dreams will be fulfilled and when will I finally be doing only those things that I know I should doing.  It then hit me that I had let some of my fears dictate my actions.  I had let some of my worries derail me and stop me from doing what I knew I should be doing.  I simply hadn't taken a stand and demanded from the Universe all that is mine already.

If you truly believe you are supposed to be doing something different in your life, let me assure you that the Universe is going to orchestrate things so you are able to do those things you truly desire.  I will tell you that true desire is impossible to destroy.  If there is something that you want, something that is such a part of you that you can't let go of it, then the Universe is going to make sure you get the exact thing you are desiring.  I want to get back on the radio and do a show about destiny, I want it so bad I can taste it.  I am willing to go anywhere to have it.  Why?  It's simple, that's who I am.  I'm a writer and a speaker, and it has taken me many years to accept these things.  When you finally discover that one thing that is at your core, then and only then will you be free to go after it.  Up until that point all you really are doing is narrowing down a very long list of things.

I want to challenge you today to begin to think about those things you really, really want in life.  There is nothing wrong with having desires.  We all have them, but sadly there are many out there who are afraid to talk about them for fear of ridicule from others.  Stop worrying about what others are going to think, and start going after those things that are close to you.  When it's all said and done only one thing is going to make you completely happy and that one thing is the thing you were placed here to do.  Your destiny is waiting for you to take a stand.  Your destiny is circling around you simply wanting you to accept it and finally take a step toward it.  Trust me, when you finally are doing what you were created to do life will be different.  There is freedom in destiny, and that freedom is yours if you will take a stand and be the you, that you were always supposed to be.  I'm on your side and I can't wait to hear how great things are for you.

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