Monday, May 8, 2017

Ego, the downfall to all that is good.
Our Ego, how often does it get in the way of us doing what we should be doing, or how often do we let it control us?  We all have egos.  Some have learned to keep it in check, while others are controlled by it.  Problem with the ego is it knows no limits.  Your ego could care less what is best for you, rather it will do what ever it has to do to survive.

You need only look at today's political environment to see what an ego can do to things.  There have been all kinds of books written about the ego. Blogs, articles, and even movies and television series have all shown how powerful the ego can become and how destructive.  There isn't a single one that does not ultimately prove the point that an over active ego is only going to screw things up, not only for you but for those who are associated with you.  What I want to highlight today is the importance of keeping your ego out of everything you do.  Honestly, egos have never been, will never be, what one would call friendly to us.  Be honest, when you encounter an egomaniac, what's your first thought.  If you're like me the first think I think about is "what a jerk".  What makes someone think so much more about themselves?  What is it that drives the egomaniac?  Obviously it's the ego.  That unchecked monster that wants nothing more then total world domination, or in many cases just the feeling of superiority from those who really haven't got a real clue about life.  I'll tell you what the ego isn't:  it isn't the real you.  Your ego might mirror some of what you are thinking, but most of the time it is way out of control and often tries to occupy space that was never intended to be occupied.

If you ask me the ego is nothing more then a smoke screen.  I really believe that in most cases where someone's ego has gotten the better of them, that this is only happening because one is trying to get away from something, forget something, or simply refuse to acknowledge something that is missing, or in some cases what one might think is lacking in a particular area of life.  If you can build a wall tall enough around you then you can isolate yourself from the rest of the population, and you won't have to deal with the issues surrounding you or them.  The ego is that wall, and by building it up you are going to find out in the end that it has been a total waste of time and resources.

I actually began writing this particular blog over a year ago, but for some reason never got back to completing it, that is of course until today.  I have learned that when Spirit says jump, I simply do it.  I will say that the timing of today's blog could not be more perfect as there is a huge rise in "Ego Problems" going on all around us.  I have made a point of trying to be observant of the people and situations around me.  Now I do miss my share of opportunity, but alas I am human and I fail just like anyone else out there.  However, I have observed the power of the ego, and this power is so destructive at times.  One would think that the ego is there to aid you, to comfort you, to guide you, or otherwise be your closest companion.  The way we have instilled in people the need for an ego has only heightened this belief.  Trust me when I tell you your ego is not a fan of yours and only cares about its own survival.

The only way to ever get one's ego in check, to be free from the shackles of your ego, is to know who you really are.  The only way to block out the negative effects of the ego is to love who you are.  The only way to ever be the real you is to cast aside that part of you that has tried to control things for way to long.  Ego has caused war.  Ego has caused strife.  Ego has plagued this planet since the beginning of time, and sadly we will have to deal with egos until the day we leave this existence.

I know many people who will be turned off by talking about ego and why it needs to be held in check.  To many the ego is a tremendous asset, and they would never leave home without it.  There are all kinds of arguments as to the validity of the ego.  Many people believe it to be a valuable assets while at the same time looking at others who walk around smugly and wondering where do they get off being like that.  There are people who will justify their own actions even if those actions go against someone else and causes harm.  Have you ever noticed that the true ego maniac really could care less what others are feeling or what they might be going through?  Ego Maniacs only care about one thing and sadly most people around them are not the one thing.

I want to encourage you today to take a look at you.  When you walk past a mirror today look at the reflection and acknowledge that what you see is a thing of beauty.  As you begin to love the real you, accept the real you, and walk as the real you.  I can assure you that you will quickly be able to separate yourself from the ego, and once that happens life will be different.  A note of caution if I might:  don't let others rob you of the real you. There will be those who will fight you to the death to prove why the ego is important and why you need it to be successful.  There is a huge difference between being moved by confidence and being lead by an unchecked ego.  An unchecked ego may get away with things for a while, but only for a while.  Left to it's on devices, the ego will ultimately destroy all that is good around you.

There is nothing wrong with being confident.  There is nothing wrong with setting intentions and expecting those things to come to pass.  There is something wrong when you allow your ego to be the driving force in your life.  The ego is the downfall to all that is good.  I think it's about time to lay the ax to the root of the problem and move on to doing what you were sent here to do. Think about it.

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