Monday, October 17, 2016

As I sit here...
As I sit here today I am thinking about the hundreds of thousands of words that I have written in my life.  I am reflecting upon some of the millions of words I have shared with others.  As I sit here today I know that there is much more ahead of me, and the only thing stopping me from having those things I desire most is me.  I can dream, I can desire, and I can wish for things in my life.  I have come to a point in my life where I choose to think on those things that mean the most to me, and because I can think them, I'm also at a point where I know I can have them.

What I want you to do today is think about those things that mean the most to you.  Take some time to really zero in on the things you desire most, those things you dream about, those things that won't  stop rolling around in your head day in and day out.  These are the things that are meant for you, and these are the things that will ultimately show you your destiny.  What are you thinking about in this moment?  What one thing, if it were dropped in your lap right now, would change your life completely?  I dare say that most of you are thinking about something wonderful, and not something that is counter to who you are, what you want to do, and it certainly isn't something dreadful.  I know very few people who dream about calamity.  There may be people who always think about bad stuff happening to them, but the average person when they dream about something is dreaming about something that is beautiful and exciting.

I have been put through a lot in my life time.  I have seen society change, and I have seen it take a few steps back from time to time.  I have sat and wondered what my life would look like, and I will tell you that I am very happy where I am at right now.  I can't tell you that everything is perfect, but then again I certainly know that I am blessed to be able to do the things I do.  I love to write, and each time I sit down at my computer I am find myself in my happy place.  Where is your happy place?  What are those things that bring you joy?  If you are not experiencing joy right now, how long are you going to continue doing what you are doing before you make the commitment to change things up?  I see people each day and I often wonder what their life is like and if they are experiencing the joy that is available to everyone.  I look at people and often scratch my head when they make statements about their plot in life and how they would give anything to get out of the situation they are in.  I have learned over the years that people will only change when their current circumstances become so uncomfortable that they are forced to change.  Even then, there are people who will fight change with every once of fiber in their body.  If you find yourself unhappy in your current situation then maybe it's time to sit back and simply think about some of the things you would like to do in life but haven't yet done them.  I don't care how old you are, how experienced you might be, or even if you have failed a zillion times before, there is nothing that can stop you from obtaining your dreams if you really desire them.

When I first started writing about destiny I never thought it would have taken center stage in my life.  I will tell you that not an hour goes by that I don't think about destiny or simply talk to someone about destiny.  If you had asked me 15 years ago what I would be doing right now, I don't think destiny would have ever come up in the conversation.  That being said, when I look back on all the things I have done in my life, all the things I have experienced and all the things that may have happened to me, it was perfectly orchestrated to bring me to the place I am at right now.  Instead of looking at your past and trying to figure out why things happened, why not accept the fact that things happen for a reason and sooner or later you are going to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and you will know the reason for each and every event that ever took place, good, bad, or indifferent.

As I sit here today I am awe struck at the perfection of the Universe, and I am so thankful that I am a part of it.  We each have a power, we each have gifts and talents, and that power, those gifts and talents have not been wasted on you.  You may not be walking in your power yet, but that doesn't mean you don't have it.  If you want to experience power, then begin by accepting who and what you are.  Sadly most people today see themselves as simple mortals.  Truth be told you are so much more then that, but I can't make you see that, you have to know it, live it, and experience it.

As I sit here today my biggest wish is that each person would come to understand the brilliance of their creation.  As I sit here today my desire, my dream, is that destiny would be something that everyone thinks about, that everyone goes after, and that everyone accepts without question.  Can this happen?  I say yes.  What say you?

Sit back today and ponder this question:  if you could be doing anything right now, what would it be? It doesn't matter if what you want to do makes sense to anyone else.  It doesn't matter if the rest of the world thinks you're crazy for wanting to do something out of the norm.  What matters is that you are going after the things that mean the most to you.  I know what life is like when you are constantly desiring something and yet that something seems like a million light years away.  I know there are times when things seem impossible, but impossible is only a mind trick.  If you have a dream, I promise you that it is possible.  Take some time today to think about those things you desire most.  Don't bury them, embrace them, for they are you, and you are them.  Once you begin to accept this special gift, your life will change in ways to grand to even express in ordinary words.  I want you to say, "AS I SIT HERE....", and then see where life takes you.  It will be a journey of discovery, this I promise you.

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