Thursday, May 19, 2016

There's power in numbers.
Imagine for just a moment a world where everyone was on the same page, where there was no room for ego, and where the only thing that mattered was what you could do to make someone else's life just a little bit better.  Imagine if you will a society who put the needs of others ahead of its own personal desires and wishes.  Can you ever see this happening where you live?  Where you work?  Is the thought of living in Utopia just a pipe dream, or is there a small part of you that wishes that Utopia was right now?

There's an old saying that says "many hands make light work."  The more people involved with something, then obviously the more you should expect to get done.  We've all heard of the 80/20 Rule:  80 percent of the work is generally going to be done by only 20 percent of the people.  Face it, most people are so busy just trying to survive, or trying to get some where on the societal scale of success, that they haven't the time to be part of something that ultimately could change the face of humanity.  What I want you to see today is that there is truly power in numbers, and the more who believe in the individual power of a person, the easier it's going to be to get others to see their own power as well.

When you look at the world's population, an estimated 7 plus billion people, have you ever given any thought to how many of those people are solid in the knowledge of their own personal power, or even the significance of their own being in relationship to the rest of the ever expanding Universe?  I was having this discussion with two very close friends the other day, and to be honest I found it almost impossible to even venture a guess.  Is it 1 percent of the population?  Is it 2 percent, or maybe even a little higher?  Is it .00000001 percent of the world's population that has a real understanding of what it is to walk in our own power?  I'm not sure that even the best computer in the world could figure out a correct number.  What I know is this:  unless you begin to understand your own power, the power that was in you the moment of your birth, it doesn't really matter what others believe, or even if 10 percent of the population was walking around all powerful.

The foundation of anything you desire to do, anything you desire to be, must start with an understanding of your incredible power.  It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out those who understand who and what they are, verses those who haven't the foggiest notion of what it is to walk in the majesty of their own design.  Just look at some of the faces of those you come in contact with on a daily basis.  Listen to some of the comments of those around you.  Are people talking about how great life is, or are they simply willing to role with the punches and accept mediocrity?  Face it, there are those out in society who want nothing more then for you to stay stuck in the Proverbial Mud.  It gives them something to gloat over, or at least something for them to feel good about.

Real power, absolute power is not something you earn, it isn't something that comes to you because the Board of Directors voted on it.  True power is something that you have always had, but simply never accepted it.  Power is not something you lord over people with, rather it is something that should empower others to discover their greatness.  Power is something that should inspire, motivate, encourage, and otherwise equip others to reach and discover the destiny within.  You have power because you have a purpose.  You have power because you are part of that which created you.  If we were truly created in the image of God, why is it so many around us are crying out to God for comfort, or rescue, or even just a simpler life not filled with tragedy and regret?  Man is the culprit in as much as man has conditioned us to believe in our own limitations.  Sadly our limitations are there because we have never fully understood or accepted the power we have to create.

True power, universal power is void of ego.  True power does not measure against anyone or anything else.  I go back to my original question, what would the world be like if every individual knew of, understood, and walked in their own power?  The landscape of our planet would be quite different.  I can assure you we would not be having the "Shit" show that is our current political climate.  I apologize for the slight detour, but I had to get that off my chest.   People don't walk in the power of creation because they simply don't believe in the power of creation.  People walk around void of power because they have yet to realize that there is another option.  What would your life be like right now if you had the ability to call forth anything you desire?  What would life be like right now if you could have or do anything you wanted?  What would life be like right now if you simply got out of bed in the morning with an expectation of great things to follow?

When you finally understand who and what you are, you will realize that there is so much more to life then what you get to get out of it.  What you are able to do for others is what will drive you.  Helping to create a world that understands destiny is what will be your task, and as more and more people understand this, then those many hands will indeed lighten the load for everyone else.  Tap into your power.  Walk in your power.  This is what the rest of humanity needs, and quite frankly let's be honest, it's what you need as well.

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