Friday, May 6, 2016

Plug into the real you.
Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.  When's the last time you tapped into the real you?  When's the last time you experienced the total awesomeness of being aware of your talents and abilities?  When's the last time you embraced your power and really began to own it?

Sadly there are many who will never understand the power within.  They have bought into the premise that they are simply tiny, itty bitty cogs in the wheel of life, and there isn't a whole lot they can do to change their life's trajectory.  First off, this is false.  False, false, false!  You are now, you have always been, and will always be a part of this powerful, authentic universe.  As a part of the ever expanding universe you are entitled to operate in an ever expanding life.  This life should be full of possibilities, opportunities, and otherwise wonderful beyond what you can even imagine.

The real you is not the you that may have had difficulties.  The real you is not the person who always seems to need things, and wonders if what they need will ever be present in their life.  The real you is capable of doing what ever is in their heart to do.  You are fully equipped to do what you were placed here to do.  If you are still trying to figure out what life is all about, maybe it's time to tap into the real you.

Power is not something to lord over people with.  There are plenty of people out there who try to use power to get what they want.  I've seen people whose only desire is for others to witness how powerful they are, or at least how powerful they think they are.  Power is never something to use against others.  Power is not some status symbol so the more you have the better you are.  Power should be something you walk in, but it should never be used as a badge of honor, nor as a measuring stick for how you stack up against someone else.  Those who have to show others how much power they have really don't understand power, and really don't know how to wield it.  I have found that the most powerful people in the world are those you would never suspect as having any power what-so-ever.

Your power is unlimited, and quite frankly the only limits that you will set will be based on your inability to fully understand the power you have.  I know there are those who will scoff at what I am writing, but these are the very same people who have rejected what is truly theirs to have and instead have settled for what man has said is normal, or appropriate.  My friends, you don't walk in your power because you simply don't believe you have the power.  I promise you that the moment you reach out and accept this premise, your life will fundamentally change forever.  The moment you refuse to succumb to the conditioning of man and instead walk in your own power will be the day that you see the world in an entirely different light.

Let me ask you this:  has what you've been doing worked for you up to this point?  Certainly there are plenty of people out there who have a measure of success.  There are all kinds of people who are happy with their life.  That being said, I have a firm belief, because I see it every day, that there are people out there who would give almost anything change things up in their lives.  There are millions of people out there who have almost given up on their dreams for one reason or another.  There are millions of people out there who have almost given up on life.  I know because I was one of those people.  I had sunk so low that for me the desire was for it all to end.  I'm here to tell you that the moment you begin to understand your own personal power, that is the moment that you will see and understand how everything you have gone through has brought you to this very special moment in time.

Your ability to create your own reality is unlimited.  Your future is going to be based on those things you do today, on the thoughts you have today, and on the feelings you are having even now.  When you begin to understand the power within you to create, the power within you to prosper, the power within you to heal, that will be the time when you will begin to really experience life the way life is supposed to be.  I still have a long way to go to fully understand the power of the universe, but what I know is this:  the power which existed at the beginning of time is the very same power that I have flowing through my body.  It has taken me years to understand what I understand now, and even though I have a ways to go, I know more now then I ever imagined I would know.  It is time to forget how others may have portrayed you.  It is time to step away from the canvas of how others have painted you.  It is time to step out into your own power, the power that is big enough to change the face of humanity.

Our power is unlimited because the universe is unlimited.  Remember, you are not just a small tiny cog in the wheel of life.  The part you have to play in the course of human events is huge.  Your destiny may only be to change the lives of a few select people, but the changes that come to them because of your willingness to be the real you might very well affect millions of people.  There is no more important destiny to you then your own destiny, and your own destiny is what the rest of the world needs you to walk in.

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