Monday, May 9, 2016

Let me let you in on a little secret.
Secrets are fun.  Secrets are often titillating.  Secrets can bring out the curious in all of us, and often there is a child like excitement when you are brought into the middle of a juicy story about something.  So today I am going to let you in on a little secret, but this time I'm going to recommend that you don't keep it to yourself, rather you tell the whole world.

Are you ready for it?  Do you think you'll be able to handle it?  Do you even want to know what it is? Ok enough of me trying to get you excited about what is about to be revealed to you.  Don't you hate it when you have a certain expectation, and once you find yourself in the middle of what ever it was you were excited about, all you can think about is what a let down?  Well it is my earnest desire that you don't walk away from today with empty hands, but rather a new expectation of the future, and just how wonderful that future is going to be for you.

OK enough of the build up, here you go.  The secret that man has been running away from, that man has nearly forgotten, and that man doesn't really want you to know: You're much more then just flesh and blood.  You're not just a human who occasionally might have a spiritual experience.  You are in fact a spiritual being who just so happens to inhabit a mortal body.  By virtue of being a spiritual being then you are entitled to operate spiritually.  Man has made it a point over the last few thousand years to discourage others from experiencing the truth wealth of spirituality.  Why?  Because if you were to really walk in your spirituality then man would have no hold on you.  Man would never be able to control you again, and if man could not control you, then man could never use you or take advantage of you.   Man's desire to keep you in the dark was to protect the status quo, and not take away from those who were trying to control every aspect of everyone else's life.

Being spiritual is being who you were created to be.  We were never intended to live a life that has been reduced to a whole list of what isn't possible.  Being spiritual doesn't mean you are never going to be challenged or that things are going to be perfect in your life.  Being spiritual simply means that the basis of who you are is not what others say about you, think about you, but what you know to be true.  Being spiritual is knowing at your core that you were placed here to do more then simply survive and try to make it through each day of your life.  Being spiritual is knowing that no matter what life might throw at you, you have the ability to do whatever it is that you desire.

It's funny but when you say to someone that so and so is spiritual, what do you think goes through that other person's mind.  "Oh he or she is some whack job, smokes pot, and chants to all hours of the night."  We've allowed what others think or say cloud our own ability to fully grasp the essence of who and what we are.  Funny how things that people don't fully understand often become the objects of ridicule and how they are discounted.  I get how it's easier to crap on something you don't understand, that you don't want to look at, or that may have passed you by.  I get how it's easier to make others out as the nut jobs and you walk around like the normal one.  People often fear what they don't know, and trust me, most people don't know what true spirituality is.

Why do you think you're here right now?  I mean really, what could have been so important that you were placed here in that body of yours, having gone through whatever it was you have gone through? What kind of God, if there is a God, would place you here in this frail body to simply go through a life that has been anything but sheer joy and happiness?  Now don't get me wrong, I believe in God.  By what I find hard to believe in is a God who would create something just for the sake of watching it  wither on the vine of life.  Look at your body.  Isn't it amazing how complicated it is, and yet it manages to work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  You don't have to tell your heart to pump blood, or your lungs to take in air.  It simply does it.  We are a marvel.  Well if you can marvel at how your body functions, why is it so damn difficult to marvel at how your spiritual side functions?

Everyone is spiritual, some have taken advantage of their spiritual side, while others have distanced themselves from it because quite frankly they don't understand it.  God forbid there should be something that they don't understand, and if they can't understand it, well then it must be wrong, or worse yet, right out of the pits of hell.  When you can begin to tap into the wealth of your spiritual side, then you will be tapping into a well that will never go dry, that will feed you day in and day out, and that will become a well spring to others around you.

Sadly being spiritual should be no secret at all.  We shouldn't have to hide in shame because we are spiritual, nor should we bury the core of who we are.  The secret to life is not really a secret at all.  The secret to life is to open up to what you are.  Your spirit is eternal.  Your spirit is forever.  Forever is a long long time, but forever means in both directions meaning you have always been and will always be.  As hard as that may be to comprehend, once you can understand the significance of your being, then you can begin to understand the significance of you being here right now.  Think about that.

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