Monday, November 9, 2015

To thy own self be true.
It has been said that imitation is the best form of flattery.  Well maybe yes and maybe no.  If you are trying to be something or someone you are not, simply because it endears you to someone or something else, then I might take another look at things.  If you on the other hand keep hold of your own uniqueness, owning it, showing it, and being it, then you have something that so many others are still trying to find, peace of mind.

When you attempt to be like someone else simply to fit in, it's like wearing your right shoe on your left foot, and the left shoe on the right.  Certainly it will function, but as soon as you begin to walk you will know that things are not right.  After a time your feet are going to begin to ache, and then trouble begins.  Sadly most people who are unable to be themselves are this way because they don't like who they are, or they have been lead to believe that individuality is somehow counter to the rest of society.  I'm here to tell you that being who you were created to be is the only way to live, and anything else is going to feel like walking around with your shoes on the wrong foot.

I've known people who have been labeled as quirky, abnormal, crazy, or otherwise weird.  They have been awarded these titles because they have refused to fit a preconceived mold or idea of who they are supposed to be.  Well let me tell you, those who have been labeled this are the lucky ones.  They are the ones who own their uniqueness, and they are the ones who will reach new heights.  I've often felt like an outsider because of how I see things.  Some have called me a non-conformist, others have labeled me as a trouble maker, and I have been sat on, or held back, because I refused to adhere to what some would call the norm.  "You can't do that", "What were you thinking?", "Why can't you just be normal?", I've heard all these, and yet I still remained my own person.  Why?  Because I know who I am, I know what I was created to do, and I'll be damned if I let others stop me from fulfilling my destiny.  If you look at those who have accomplished "Great" things in this world, I would venture a guess that each of them have been labeled as quirky, abnormal, crazy, or weird.

Being true to yourself may cost you something, but in the end, not being who you really are is going to cost you far more.  I don't need mindless robots who only know what others have programmed them to know and do.  I want to surround myself with those who are willing to step out on a limb and chance being made fun of because of their uniqueness.  Those who are willing to go against the norm, are the ones who will accomplish their dreams and visions, and those are the people I want around me.   When we label people with our own expectations, when we group certain people together because we feel they go together, when we don't allow people to be themselves, then we have created an environment where you have nothing but those mindless robots.

Why has it become so difficult to accept that we are all different and unique?  Why do so many people have unrealistic expectations of what they feel others should be like?  I've been around people who were so phony I wanted to wretch.  If you can't be yourself around me, then I have really done those around me a disservice by not creating an atmosphere where people can just be themselves. I want people around me who own who they are, and refuse to make apologies for it.  I want people around me who can laugh at their uniqueness, and are willing to share their differences with others in an attempt to educate them that being different is OK.

Being yourself is what will set you free.  Being yourself is what will bring you Peace of Mind.  Being yourself is what the world needs, what the world is desperate for, and what you were placed here to be.  If you spend all your time trying to be everything for everyone, or being something you are not because others expect it of you, then you will be wasting valuable time.  We all have a finite amount of time on this planet, why not spend it being you?  When you have experienced the freedom to be yourself, then you will never go back to living under the expectations of others.  It's like eating that first potato chip, once you open that bag and have one, it's difficult to put it down.  Well once you understand and accept who you are, love who you are, my guess is that you will never want to go back to the old you.

Being true to your own self is the first step in advancing toward your destiny.  If you are constantly trying to fit it, striving to be like someone else, or otherwise ignoring the real you, then you will never fulfill your destiny, and sadly the world will be a worse place for that.  I may never please everyone, and there will be those who will question my motives and sanity from time to time because of how I do things, but guess what?  That's OK, because I am what I am, and I will continue to do what I know to do, in the manner I know how to it, and I'm Ok with that.

Stop trying to fit in, and start trying to be just you.  You are remarkable.  You are unique.  You are one of a kind, and I am so thankful that you are here.  When you can own who you are, share who you are, and smile at who you are, then and only then will you begin to see the fullness of your existence, and then life will be different.  Love your differences, hold on to your uniqueness, and watch as others begin to see you in a different, but far better light then ever before.

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