Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Our Declaration of Independence.
"When in the course of human Events", words that framed our national heritage, and set this Nation's feet on a path toward greatness.  There are many who feel this country has lost its edge, that we are no longer the strongest, greatest nation on the planet.  Our Nation's Independence began over 200 years ago, and even to this day we are still evolving, still growing, and still learning.  To think that we have gotten everything perfect in such a short time would be idiotic.  It is in our imperfection that we continue to learn, continue to evolve, and continue to move forward.  The same can be said about each individual who walks the planet today.

Each of us are going to have to make our own Declaration of Independence some day.  If one is ever going to be truly free to pursue those things they know reside inside of them, then they are going to have to break free from the expectations of man, the conditioning of man, and the notion that this is what you must do and this is how you must do it.  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  Now either we believe these words or we don't.  Either we live these words, or we don't. Either we declare ourselves free from man's demands or we don't.

I spent years doing things that I thought others expected me to do.  I did things simply to gain the acceptance or the approval of others.  There are days when I wish I could have all that time back, but I also know that those times taught me some very valuable lessons, so I have lost nothing in the process.  I'm at a point in my life where I now control my actions, I control my desires, and I get to say that I have pursued happiness in all that I do.  The question that you are going to have ask yourself and ultimately answer for yourself is this: am I going to be the person I was intended to be?  You are the only one who can answer this question, and answer it you will have to do someday.

No matter how many years one lives, the key to happiness is living a life that you desire, and not a life that has been orchestrated or designed by someone else.  When we allow others to box us in, we have given away our inalienable rights.  When we fall prey to the conditioning of man we have said that our happiness is not important enough.  When we allow others to control our actions, then we have lost our own personal liberty.

It is time to make your own Declaration of Independence.  Many feel as though they are trapped by what other people say or think, this could not be further from the truth. As a Divine Spiritual Being you have within you the greatest beacon of hope there is, your spirit.  A spirit that is incapable of leading you astray, a spirit that knows nothing but hope, peace, love, and joy.  What would life be like if every individual was focused on and enjoying all the peace, love, joy, and hope that could be imagined?  There are so many people living in misery today, and that misery has made them feel trapped, fearful, and all together anything but independent.  I have seen the chaos created by man's conditioning.  I have seen smart, caring people fall victim to those who would rather invalidate one's dreams and visions verses accepting their own.  Why do people do this?  I get how maddening life can get at times, but the real travesty of living a life with out Independence is that you are giving up on what is really yours.

So you now have a decision to make.  You can continue to allow others to dictate your actions, tell you what you should think, what you should feel, or you can claim your independence and follow through with what is in your heart to do.  This country began because our founding fathers were tired of living under a tyrannical ruler.  How many people today are living under the tyranny of others?  This tyranny is nothing more then someone else thinking they know better then you.  When it comes to the things in your heart, no one, and I mean no one, knows better then you.  Your heart is so true, it is so pure, and it wants you to have everything it has for you.

When I declared my independence from the expectations and conditioning of man, I was truly free.  I was free to pursue those things that were dearest to me.  I was free to be the person I was always intended to be.  I began to experience true peace and joy.  I assure you this one thing:  independence will change your life, just as it changed the course of our nation.  Yes there will be growing pains, but after 200 years our country is still experiencing growing pains.  I guess the question I have for you today is what makes more sense:  staying where you are at right now, living under the expectations of others, or being free to be the real you?  Freedom does come with a price, but the price you would pay if you decide not to move forward in your independence is much greater.

Maybe it's time for you to pen your own declaration.  When you do, the tapestry of your life will change forever, and the future will be something that will be talked about in the history books 200 years from now.


  1. Yes! Ours is a higher calling and our Declaration of Independence, which includes tapping into and expressing what is in our hearts and being who we really are, brings us freedom from those who would constrain us - physically, emotionally, mentally, or with dogma. We cannot be held back... Let's move forward with confidence, in freedom, in Love which will transform our world for the better. Thanks for writing this, Scott. :) <3

  2. I am glad I am on the path of breaking down the conditioning of man. Thank you Scott for helping me with this and sharing your message with others.
