Monday, July 6, 2015

True Passion is your True Direction
What is passion?  Do you think everyone has it?  If everyone does have it, why are there so many lost souls out there just wandering about trying to figure out their course in life?

I am a firm believer that everyone has a passion; now whether they want to admit it or not is an entirely different thing, but yep passion resides inside everyone.  The key to living and having a satisfied life is to embrace your passions, and do something with them.  I guess to some this is easier said then done, but in reality it is that simple.

As most of you know my passion is writing and talking to others about destiny.  There is virtually nothing else that I 'd rather be doing with my life.  I can assure you that until the time came when I was able to recognize my passion I was trying to fill my life with everything else just to maintain my sanity.  The problem was is that I was going crazy because nothing that I tried, nothing that I did was bringing peace or joy into my life.

I know so many people who on the surface seem to have everything.  They have a measure of success in their chosen profession.  They have stuff, and this stuff is somewhat of a trophy displaying their prowess in what ever it is they are doing.  But if you get down to the nitty-gritty, they are just as empty, just as lost, and just as miserable as so many others because they lack the one thing that could change their life for ever, and that one things is an acceptance of what lays deep within.  Your passion is never going to go away.  You may try to bury it, run from it, and otherwise ignore it, but it is still going to be there and ultimately it will drive you nuts until you do something with it.

I wish I could tell you that discovering your passion and ultimately walking in it was going to be error free or without some troubles.  We live in a world where there are just as many people trying to dissuade you from your passion as there are those who are trying to get you to embrace it.  It seems to me that those who want to take you down to their level of misery would be the ones that I choose to stay away from.  Face it, life has a way of becoming difficult from time to time, why in the world would you want to make it even more difficult by allowing the naysayers any room to breath?

If you are lacking direction in your life I would bet you that you have also not given heed to the feelings that lay deep within you.  If you are lacking direction in your life then I would also bet you that you have been unwilling to accept certain things because others have had negative words or feelings about them.  Yes it is difficult sometime to go against the grain, but have those around you who seem to hate everything about life ever given you any reason to want to follow in their footsteps?

Your passion is just that, it's yours.  It may never correspond with what others are doing, and that's fine.  You were not placed here on this earth to simply be like everyone else.  You were placed here to do something specific and in that specificity you will find, if you allow it to come forth, the one thing that is at your center.  If you want direction then simply follow your passion.  I don't know how many different ways I can tell you that your passion is what you were placed here for, and what you were placed here for is in direct correlation to what you love most, even if you haven't discovered what it is that you love most.

Passion is never going to go away, never ever.  Why make yourself miserable by trying to ignore your passions?  It's crazy that some will go to almost any length to get past what they should ultimately be embracing in their life.  I get that there are some who are scared to death about some of the things that are running around in their minds and hearts.  Trust me, when the time is right you will have everything you need to be able to succeed at those things you have inside of you.  Until such time, why not just accept what you have, and be happy that there is something coming down the pike that is going to bring you peace and happiness?   As I've said so many times before, you can run from your passion, but it is a race against something that will never be won by you.

If you desire to have the best that life has to offer you, then take a deep breath, let it out, and simply begin to accept the simple truth that there is a passion inside of you just waiting to be let out.  I know how scary it can be to simply throw caution to the wind and do something completely different.  I also know that until such time as you are willing to think outside of the box you are going to be held captive by those who are either unwilling or unable to let go of the status-quo.  If you simply want to be a number like everyone else then continue to ignore your passions.  If on the other hand you want to blaze a new trail, then guess what, get moving.  You are the only one who can make the decision to do what needs to be done.

Passion is a wonderful thing, and passion is what will set your feet onto a whole new path.  This is the path that leads to fulfillment, peace, joy, and happiness.  I can't think of a better way to live then having all the fulfillment, peace, joy, and happiness that one can hold.  Spread your arms and accept what is being given to you, and begin to experience the life that you were always intended to experience.

1 comment:

  1. I have several passions - assisting Scott in True Destiny, giving readings/healings, music - writing and performing songs, writing books, etc., and am so happy to be living them all as I follow/live my destiny. I encourage everyone to do what you love, yes, follow your passion - your destiny. Thanks for writing this blog, Scott, and for all you do. :)
