Thursday, March 26, 2015

Show love, always show love.
How easy it becomes to turn your back on those in need.  How easy to walk away from a bad situation that is being faced by someone else and simply exclaim "it's their issue."  How easy to just do nothing, when in reality something should really be done.  Most of us have been in situations where we had to decide: do we get involved or do we simply slip into the darkness and withdraw without as much as a peep.

I love loving on people.  I love helping others.  I love extending love to the loveless.  This doesn't make me better then anyone else, it just makes me who I am.  I attempt to show love in every situation.  Do I always succeed?  Absolutely not!  I fail at showing love all the time.  It's not that I want to, but obviously there is something in me that still needs fixin'.  But just because I might fail at this once in a while, doesn't mean I give up for a lifetime.

Showing love to those who need it is not always convenient.  Face it, trouble finds people all the time, at different times, and where there is trouble, there is also a need for love.  Extending that love to someone in need can change a life forever.  Extending love to others will definitely change your life, and change it for the better.  Love is the greatest gift you could give to anyone, and when you give love, guess what?  Love comes back to you.  It may not come back in the same form, but it will come back, and it will come back in a measure much more then what you showed in the first place.  The law of sowing and reaping is as present when one deals with love, as it does for anything else we do.

Why do I spend so much time writing about love?  I have seen the results in the lives of people who have been without love most of their life.  I have seen the voids that exist, an absence of joy, peace, and happiness.  I have also seen love turn situations around, when others thought it impossible to turn around.  I have seen love tear down barriers that seemed like they would remain for eternity.  I have seen love bring others back to life, or at least a life worth living.   A life void of love is like walking around in a zombie like state, with no hope for a real life.  Now I know that may seem pretty theatrical, but the point has to be made that everyone needs love, whether they want to admit it or not.  Since everyone needs love, then everyone should be displaying love in all that they do. Now love is not just physical in nature.  A loving smile can change the day for someone who just lost something important to them.  A simple note of support to a friend, just telling them what they mean to you.  Love can take many forms, but it always brings about wonderful results.

Is it hard to display love?  For most people it comes easy, however over time, if not used or displayed, it can dry up and then when you need it, your own tank is empty.  As children we understand love.  Children haven't be jaded by life.  Babies smile and laugh at just about anything.  Children lovingly jump into mom and dad's arms, just because they're mom and dad.  It isn't until later in life, when life becomes more difficult, that children, now adults, forgot how to love.

Here's how I look at things.  It doesn't take a lot of extra effort to display love in all you do.  When someone has done something that angers you, find something to love about them.  Now I can feel the emotional sneers coming at me after that last statement, but it is true.  If you can find something to love in someone who has just done you wrong, I can assure you that the wrong will have little or no effect on you.

Love is so simple to display.  It doesn't have to be grandiose to have an affect on someone.  Sometimes it's the little things that mean the very most.  When you are able to share love with someone, show love to someone, then you have undoubtedly gotten to the point in your own life where you love you.  There are so many people out there who don't love who they are, let alone like who they are.  If you can't love you, then it will be difficult, if not impossible, to display love to others around you.  Love truly is the cord that binds everything together.  In life, love is what cements any relationship together.  There might be thousands of miles that separate those we love, but the miles will never keep the love from being right there in moments notice.

Try a little experiment today and simply display love to those you come in contact with.  Those who are on the receiving end of your generosity might not even pick up on it, but you will know that you have given them a great gift, and in return, love will come back to you.  Love is so simple and yet many have made it more complex then it needs to be.  Keep it simple, be sincere, and watch as those around you change.  If you can bring a smile to someone's face then you have showered them with love, and sometimes that's all it takes to turn their life around.

Show some love people, simply show some love.  The world needs it, you need it, and that pretty much settles it.  Have a great day and smile.  Someone out there loves you, and they want you to know that.

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