Monday, March 2, 2015

Red light, Green light.
Take it from me, your tomorrows are nothing more then a continuation of your today's.  Now for some people this will make them very, very happy.  To others, they will want to just stay in bed and not have to face another day like yesterday.

Stop and go, stop and go.  Do I do it?  Do I not?  Is this the right thing?  Is this the wrong thing?  Turn left, turn right.  Oh the madness of it all, just stop the madness.

If you are on the perpetual merry-go-round where each day seems to bring the same old stuck in the mud kind of day, might I suggest you take to heart what I am about to share today and begin to change your tomorrows.  Now much of what I'm going to write today has been written about before, by me and countless other light workers, whose only desire is that you begin to experience the life you were always intended to experience.  That being said, maybe today is the day when the light bulb will finally go on, and you will have that "Ah Ha" moment, and things will change for you in a very powerful way.

First off, what you are living now is in direct correlation with the words and thoughts you had in the past.  Change your words and thoughts, and change your situation.  As easy as that sounds, it's not always as easy to implement, especially when you are in the midst of a shit storm.  But fear not, we will get you to the place where you understand the power of your words and thoughts, and thereby change your current situation for the better.

Have you ever wondered why you see people all around you who presumably have it all?  They are the catcher of all that is good.  They succeed with very little effort, and everything they touch seems to turn to gold.  What differentiates them from you?  Why have you always seemed to be on the short end of the stick?  I've been told so many times in the past that perception is reality.  I'm not sure I always believe that, especially when people use it only to further their own cause, but I will tackle that topic on another day.  What I would like you to see today is that most people who succeed at whatever they are attempting to do, do so because the thought of failure has never entered their mind.

When you go outside on a very cold day, like many of the ones we have experienced here in Maine this year, do you hope and pray that the car will start, or do you simply expect it to turn over when you turn the key?  When you place that chicken in the pre-heated over and pull it out one hour later, do you expect it to be cooked to perfection or do you expect it to be completely raw and uneatable?  Sounds like a dumb question but what do you expect?  Most everyone would say the chicken will be done and it's time to eat.  Why?  You expect it because that is the past experience you have had.  You have lived it before and see no reason to expect a different outcome.  OK, so let's take it to the next level.  You are going for a new job, have a very important interview, and you wonder how it's going to go.  Will you get the job, or will you be passed over for someone you know is the interviewer's nephew, and has the inside track?  What is your expectation right now?

I want it, I don't want it.  It's mine, it's not.  Red light, Green light, stop, start, stop, start. If you want something can you believe that it is yours?  If you can believe it is yours, can you act like it's yours?  If you can act like it's yours, then can you feel what it is like to have it, even if you don't have it at the moment?  People fail simply because they can't believe in their own success.  There is something that keeps them from believing that they deserve to have the same joy and excitement about life as the person down the street.

I've said it before and I'm going to continue to say it: you are a product of your own imagination, thoughts, and words.  What you have today or in some cases, don't have, is based on what you have said, thought, or felt in the past.  There is no other way for me to put it and I hope that you don't go screaming out of the room.  Your expectations of an eventual outcome is what is going to determine the outcome.  This constant starting and stopping is going to do nothing but get you pulled away from the place you are supposed to be at.

If you are in the place where you are yelling out, "Stop the madness", then understand that you are in the perfect place.  Not perfect because you are experiencing less then fun times, but perfect from the standpoint that you get to change things up for the better.  You will only remain in this crappy place if you want to, and I don't know many people who would choose to stay in a crappy place.

It's time to stop the "Stop and Go" game and really make the determination that it's only forward momentum from here on out.  See the forward movement, feel the forward movement, and accept the forward movement.  When you can do that, then nothing will stop you from your intended course in life and you accomplishing the things you were created to accomplish.

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