Friday, February 27, 2015

On the road again.
And so begins a new adventure.  There are people to see and places to go.  There are roads that have been less traveled and roads that have the pavement worn down to almost nothing.  You might be going through land as flat as a pancake or as mountainous as the top of the Himalayans. No matter what the terrain looks like, getting back on the road is always a good thing.

My question for you today is this:  if in fact getting or staying on the road is such a good thing, why then are there so many people who refuse to do it?  I mean, there are people all around who simply refuse to move forward in anything.  To say they are stuck in their own ways is an understatement.  Come hell or high water they are bound and determined to stay put, and there is not a single thing in the world that will get them to move off the spot they currently occupy.  Now this is all and good if in fact you are in the right place.  If you know that you know that you are walking in your destiny, then great, there should be nothing that would take you off course.  However, there are far more people who are still waiting on their destiny verses those who are currently walking in it.

We are entering a season where opportunity will make itself known to you if you will simply open up and listen.  Too many times people doubt that still small voice that is in each of us.  I have said this many, many times in the past,  the heart is incapable of lying to you.  When in doubt always follow your heart.  Certainly there will be times when the direction of the heart is not going to make any sense to you, but follow it you must, or suffer the consequences.  I dare say that the heart is never going to tell you to simply sit back and never move forward.  Complacency is death to a vision or dream.  There should never be a time when we forget about our dreams and simply let them wilt on the vine.  If you are unwilling to get moving, to get back on the road again, then your dreams will wither up and die, and that my friends is an absolute travesty.

I have sat on dreams and sat on dreams, never moving forward, and what did that get me?  Nothing!! I guess I sat on dreams because I was afraid.  I guess I sat on dreams because I was not confident in my abilities, nor was I comfortable admitting the grandness of those dreams.  I had let my low self-image dictate what I could or couldn't do, and the only thing that got me was stagnation and a whole lot of sadness.  It wasn't until I took the time to get to know the real me that things began to spring forward.  I took the time to understand the foundation of who and what I was and then like a lightening bold things began to happen.

Getting back on the road is taking the time to understand the real you.  It is knowing without a shadow of doubt that you are here in the right time, and that there is nothing that could change the fact that you have something that you are supposed to accomplish.  I talk to people every day who know there is more to them then simply living each day doing the same thing, and never having or experiencing the true thrill of life.  These same people have been trapped on a continuous circle, like a round-about, simply going in circles and never getting to the final destination.  After a while people will simply park the car, get out of it, lock the doors, and never move again.  These very same people are the ones who wonder why life sucks so bad.  Well hell, you've given up on your dreams, how else is life supposed to be if you give up on your dreams?

It is time to get back on the road again, and this time head out with the understanding that the adventures you are about to undertake will change your life forever.  How many people do you know who simply get into a car and not have a destination in mind.  If you got up this morning would you step out of your house, into your car, and simply wait for direction?  Probably not.  If you decide to get up, get ready, and then step outside to get into your vehicle, it's probably because you plan to run to the market, do errands, or maybe have brunch with a dear friend.  You know what the plan is, and when you start the car, you proceed to the first destination.  Certainly there may be times when you throw in an extra stop or two, but the basis for your trip is laid out before you put the car in drive.

You know what the destination is, you simply need to start moving in that direction.  If there is a bump along the way, a distraction, a detour, simply navigate it and get back to the original plan.  I've hardly ever had things go 100 percent as planned, but that doesn't mean that I completely threw out the original plan and simply stood still.  I moved forward and eventually got to my destination.  Well this is what you need to do, get started and as they say, roll with the punches.  If something comes up, make the decision in the moment what you will do, but by all means don't just sit and wait for the time to be perfect before you set out on your trip.  Waiting for the perfect time is nothing more then a formula for stagnation, and ultimately the death nail on your dreams.

It's time to get back on the road, and this time allow your heart to set the course.  Allow your intuition to lead you in the right direction.  Allow your dreams to open up in front of you and show you a vista like no other.  It is your time to experience the thrill of the open road and then who knows where you will end up.  I can tell you this:  where ever you end up is probably going to look a whole lot nicer then the place you might be in right now.  Safe journeys and know that there is always someone looking out for you.

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