Friday, February 13, 2015

Releasing the past, so one can enter the future.
Releasing the past is often the most rewarding thing you will ever do, especially when your past is not allowing you to walk into your future.  I have been so guilty of this, and only recently have I been able to release some things that truly needed to be let go of.  I would hold on to things in the hopes that what I thought I really wanted or desired would come back to me.  I learned the hard way that the only way to get what you want is to be able to release it. I know that may seem counter-productive to many people, but it is the only way to get out of the trap of always living in the past, always wondering what could have been, and always being behind when all you want is to be out in front of it all.

I don't claim to know or even understand what every single person walking the earth is going through at the moment.  What could be life changing to one, is simply a blip on the screen for someone else.  We all tend to handle situations differently, and that comes from being unique individuals.  There is however a constant with most people, and that constant is the inability to set things free.  Those chains that you continue to allow to bind you up, hold you down, are the chains that need to be cut away.  Unless you are able to do this, you will forever be in a prison cell without any possibility of parole.

I will say that most people who are unable to let go of the past, are the very same people who have yet to fall in love with themselves.  Now I'm not talking about falling in love like one does with their partner, husband, wife, or significant other.  What I'm saying is that there are countless people who do not love themselves.  This lack of self-love is what keeps them in a constant state of always needing to hold on to things.  The truth of the matter is that if we understood our greatness, then love would come easy, and then letting go would be as easy as melting butter on a hot skillet.

Now here is where it becomes complicated and almost like a catch-22.  The reason most people can't love themselves is because they have yet to let go of the things of the past, and they can't let go of the things of the past because they don't love themselves.  Quandary?  You bet it is, but there is an answer and if you will think about what I am about to say, then you will be on your way to solving many of the issues that have plagued you thus far.

Self-loving is nothing more than knowing who and what you are.  I know I am beating a dead horse by talking about who and what you are again, but when it comes down to it, knowing your divinity and accepting it, is the only way you will ever cut away those chains that have been draped over you for far too long.  Let me give you an example and see if this does not shine some light on things.  It's a Thursday afternoon, and you know that tomorrow is Friday which means the weekend is just around the corner.  Is there any doubt in your mind that Friday follows Thursday?  Do you ever wonder if the weekend is going to go away?  Of course not.  You have lived every Thursday of your life and Friday has always showed up on time.  There is not a doubt in your mind that it will continue  this way forever.  If you can believe that the days of the week will never change, because you have always lived it, then why can't you believe that you are a product of love, created by the Creator of the Universe, and divine in every aspect?  When you can believe in your divinity with the same degree that you believe that Friday will follow Thursday, then you will be able to release the things of the past and move into your future.

Just for a moment I want you to think about a life that is free from worry, free from fear, free from the past, and free to explore the future.  How would life be different if you were able to do this?  This is the life that you should be experiencing, and this is where I want to take you.  Most people who are unable to release their past are doomed to continue on this destructive loop.  They go from one crisis to another, and instead of trying to get out of it, they only think in terms of when the next crisis will show up.  I'm telling you that when you are able to accept that you are love, brought about by love, and are free to love and be loved, then you will know without a shadow of doubt that nothing from your past will stop you from walking in your future.

Love is patient, love is kind.  Love is yours, and you are love.  It is time to release the past and walk into your future.  You are deserving of every manner of goodness.  You were created with perfection and in that perfection you were placed here for a specific reason.  Why not accept these truths and begin to let go of your past worries, past hurts, failed love, and missed opportunities.  You can infect wipe the slate clean and begin fresh, and let's face it, a fresh start is something very, very special.  Begin to accept the love in your life, the fact that you are loved, and that there is nothing that will ever change that.  As sure as Friday will follow Thursday, so to are you loved.  Hold fast to this and see if your future does not come to your bright, shining, and full of all you ever wanted or ever dreamed of.

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