Monday, February 9, 2015

If you're on the merry-go-round, then go for the gold ring!
Life is like a Merry-go-round every now and again.  I see people who constantly complain that they are going through the same old, same old all the time.  It's as if life is just one continuous cycle, with no hope of ever getting out of the vicious cycle, or in some cases off of it.

Now I haven't been on a merry-go-round for many many years.  As a very young boy I remember going to Santa Cruz California, and riding on the merry-go-round there.  I would go with my parents and grand parents and I remember my grandfather teaching us how to reach out for the gold ring.  As someone would reach out and grab the gold ring, another one would slide down into place.  I was thinking about that this morning as I was shoveling out yet again from another Maine snowstorm.  What struck me this morning was the difference between sitting on the inside of the merry-go-round, where it was safe and there was no expectation of going after the gold ring, or sitting on the outside and taking the path of greater resistance.

I use this analogy because often that is what life portrays.  There are many people who are unwilling to take the path of greater resistance, rather just sit back and play it safe.  Certainly it can be an enjoyable ride, but the reward, in this case the golden ring, is something you will never experience.  On the other hand, if you reach out and take a few chances, you just might get that gold ring, and then life as you know it will change forever.

I want to go back to the merry-go-round for just a second and use it to show you something, and it is my hope that you will make the determination that maybe it's time to take some risk.  From a purely physical aspect the inside of the merry-go-round is far less forceful.  I mean you are still going around in a circle, but just for a moment think about the force difference from the inside to the outside.  If the merry-go-round was going at a much higher rate of speed, then you would feel less force on the inside seats then you would the outer set of seats.  Hence the closer you get to the edge, the more risk involved.  However, if one is not willing to take those risk, reach for the golden ring, then all you have is a ride that simply goes around in circles and there is never any kind of change taking place.  If you want anything in life then you are going to have to make an attempt at reaching for that Golden Ring.  There may come a time when fear grips you, but I assure you that the first time you reach for it and realize that you are still safe and sound, then the second attempt is just as easy, and you will get closer and closer to being able to grab the ring and capture it.

There will come a time when you are going to have to decide, do I take a chance, or do I just sit back and take the easy way out?  If you choose to take the easy way out, most people won't even know you opted for that route, but you will.  If you choose to take the easy way out, you probably won't loose anything, but just think what you might have gained had you decided to really take the path less traveled.  It's like the merry-go-round: on the inside it's slow and easy, and even thought you get to see pretty much what others see, there will be something you will miss.  No doubt the inside is safe, but it takes very little effort to sit there and just go along for the ride.  Now sitting on the outside, that takes some effort, but think of the reward.  The gold ring is just waiting for you to go after it.  The gold ring is there for those who are willing to take a chance, bet it all, put it all on the line.  Question is, will you put it all on the line?  Will you bet it all?  If you choose not to go after it, heck been there done that, but in the end just think of what could have been.

I know from the bottom of my soul how tough it is sometimes to go after the one thing you want most in life.  I know the power of sleepless nights, the wanting, the dreaming, and the wonder if what you really want is ever going to manifest in your life.  Thee are days when you simply don't know what to do.  If you have to go through one more day of wanting you just might go mad.  I know those thoughts, I know those feelings, but this I know also: if you stay on the safe course, the inside seats of that merry-go-round, you never have to worry about reaching for the Gold ring.  Is that what you want? Is living a life of always wondering what could have been the way you want to go through life?  Given the option to go after that gold ring or simply sitting on the sidelines, there really appear to be only one alternative.

I know how frightening it can be at times when you are faced with a major decision, but not making a decision is the worst thing you can do.  If you simply sit back and do nothing, then nothing is what you are going to end up with.  I don't think you want that, and I know I don't want to see you end up that way, so why not switch seats, move to the outside of the merry-go-round and go after that Gold ring.  The time has come for you to decide.  You can go along and enjoy the ride, make no effort to move to the outside, or you can jump into the seat that will ultimately allow you to achiever your goals.  I leave the decision to you, but I hope you will make the right one.

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