Thursday, December 4, 2014

Say What? Are you an idiot?
"Are you an Idiot?" has to be one of my favorite sayings. Now I don't say it to be mean, but rather to shed some light on situations that should be pretty clear to most people, but for some unknown reason they are not.  I will say that I have not been immune from idiotic actions in my life.  I have had more than my fair share of "are you an idiot" moments and I am confident that I will have more in the future.  What I have learned to do is laugh at myself when I find myself in one of these situations and just roll with the punches.

How was I an idiot?  Well as Elizabeth Barrett Browning  would say, "let me count the ways."  I was an idiot because I had allowed the conditioning of man to dictate my actions for far too long.  I was an idiot because I had not followed my heart, when I knew my heart was incapable of lying or leading me astray.  I was an idiot because I had forgotten that I am divine and in that divinity I can do all things.  I was an idiot because I had never believed what was right in front of me all the time, the ability to walk in my destiny and do what I was created to do.

I am not alone in my idiocy.  There are countless people out there who have made the same mistakes that I made, and there are others who just haven't figured out yet that what they are trying to do is not what they are supposed to be doing.  No matter how you look at it, wasting time on things that are not in your best interest is foolishness gone to seed.  When I started this blog yesterday I was heading in a completely different direction.  I tried to write it for the better part of the day and after many hours of just sitting back and staring at my screen I decided to wait until today.  You see I had trapped myself into believing that if I did not publish my blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday that somehow the world would come to an end and civilization as we know it would somehow come to a complete stop.  Now I am adding a certain amount of dramatic license with that statement, but my point is that I had not given myself the right to do what I wanted.  You see, if what you are doing is not what you want, then why are you doing it?  If what you desire is not what you are doing right now, then is continuing on the way to go?  No matter how you look at it, the time has come for us to really look at things and make the determination that I will no longer be tied to expectancy, but rather follow my heart.

Many years ago I stepped out onto a stage to give a speech.  It was a turning point in my life.  Up until that time I never allowed myself to believe that I could have what I desired in my heart.  I still remember that speech and I still can feel what it was like to see the audience just sit there mesmerized   in their seats.  Many years have passed since that day, but the feeling is still there and I still know that it was the beginning of something very big and very special.  Each of you have had these moments and these events in your life, but have yet to connect the dots.  Everything we do, everything we experience, happens for a reason.  It may take years to put two and two together, but it will happen and then the answers you have been waiting for will show up in what has been referred to as "uncommon times".

So admit it, you've been an idiot just like me.  You have missed things from time to time, and you have screwed things up bad.  You are in pretty good company when it comes to screwing things up. What separates you from the others is that you have decided not to let failure define you.  You have decided not to let failure stop you.  You have decided to laugh at your idiotic ways and just accept the fact that it will happen time and time again.

I know I will make mistakes in the future.  I know that I will continue to be an idiot from time to time.  I also know that I will learn from those idiotic mistakes and that everything is happening as it is supposed to happen. When you can take the guess work out of things, then you can take away any fear or anxiety that might try to come in and wreak havoc with you.  Taking the guess work out means don't worry.  Taking the guess work out means you accept that you are divinely appointed to be here right now, and that what is happening is divinely inspired.

So accept your "idiot" and wear it proudly.  If it were not for mistakes and screw ups, how would we learn.  If we did not learn, we would not move forward, and if we do not move forward then we are stuck in crappy situations, and who wants that?  So if you ever hear me ask you, "Are you an idiot?", you proudly reply "Well yes I am".  I like to be around those who can admit their mistakes.  I like to be around those who can admit that they don't have all the answers.  I love being around people who know that they are here for a reason and even though things may not be perfect they are as they have to be.  I have been an idiot, will continue to be an idiot from time to time, and can accept that.  We may not be perfect in our actions, but we are perfect in our design. Once you can believe that then the idiot stuff will happen less and less, but until such time as that happens, consider yourself in good company.

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