Thursday, November 13, 2014

Changing times
Yes the times, they are a changin'!!  An understatement if I've ever heard one, but so true in the days we live in right now.  The question I have for you today is what are you going to do with all the changes that are probably going on all around you?  Are you accepting them with open arms, or are you running from them as fast as humanly possible?

If you are like most people, you resist change.  Change however is what makes the world go round and change is one of the only constants in the universe.  Today's blog is not necessarily about change itself, but rather why you should be seeking out change, especially in light of the fact that you want to grow spiritually.

I have witnessed people who are stuck in the place they are in.  They may desire change, but the last thing they want to consider is changing up what they are doing in the moment for fear that the change will alter whatever preconceived notion they have of what is supposed to be going on with life right now.  That's a real head scratcher as far as I'm concerned.  Someone hates the situation they might find themselves in, but they are unwilling to change things up in order to get out of the situation.  Well today I am going to shed some light on this quandary and with any luck, get you out of the situation you might find yourself in.

If I were to poll a thousand people today and ask them if they were content in the place they were in today, my guess is that a majority of them would say "No".  The next question I would ask is, "what are you doing about it?"  Now contentment is a broad term.  To some contentment is having a job, enough money to pay the bills, and maybe tuck a little away for retirement.  Others look at it a little differently and say that contentment is knowing that what they are doing in the moment is exactly what they were intended to do and that no change is required.  Contentment to another group is waiting to see what plays out and rolling with the punches.  No matter what group you might fall into, or placing yourself in an entirely different group, matters not.  What matters is that you understand that if change is going to come to any situation then you are going to have to take certain steps to get there.  Today's blog picture spells out what I am talking about pretty well.  In order to change the place you are in right now, you have to recognize the time is right for a change.  You have to change the way you think about things, and when you can do that then the future will change for you.

I have allowed my fears to stop me dead in my tracks.  I wanted things to change, but until I was so uncomfortable in the situation I was in, the possibility of change was nothing more then a flag blowing in the wind.  I could see it, watch it, but to grab hold of it was nearly impossible.  It wasn't until I made the decision that the time was right for change, that I was able to begin the process.  If you want to get from one place to another you are going to have to change.  There is no other way to look at it.  Certainly there might be some concern about any movement, but what is the alternative?  Staying in the same place is never going to move things forward, and that is just stupidity, especially when all you want is to get out of the situation you find yourself in.

If I had allowed fear to control me the last few years there is no way I would be doing what I am doing right now, and trust me I love what I am doing right now.  Your desire for better things in your life is what will move you forward into the change you need to make.  When you are able to say that it is time to leave this place, then and only then will change begin.  I hear it all the time that "I don't know what I want.", OK, so what is stopping you from understanding what you want?  I mean really, you hate the situation you find yourself in, you hate what you're doing, and you hate the thought of never being able to change things up.  Seems to me that you are a prime candidate for change.  You may not have all the answers as to what you should be doing in the moment, but I can pretty much bet that something inside of you knows what you desire most.  You may not have spoken about it out loud, but deep inside you know what your passion is.  Change your thoughts about your passion and accept the fact that you should be doing something with it.  If you want to change the future then you have to change your thoughts.  Once you change your thoughts then the actions will change, and once the actions change, then it's a sure bet that your situation will change.  You can go forward or backward with the process, but when it's all said and done, the outcome will be pretty close to the same.

The days we live in require change if you ever want to take your rightful place in the universe.  The question you need to ask yourself is are you ready for this change and do you want it?  If you do then change the place, recognize the time for change is right, and then bring your thoughts in line with what you want.  Then and only then will your future change in the ways you desire.  I love change, and once you can accept that change is for you, then you can grab it with both hands and enjoy the results.  Grab for it now and watch things change right in front of your eyes.

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