Monday, November 10, 2014

How many times in life have we attempted to do something and we were just slightly off the mark?  It would be wonderful if everything we put our hands to would in fact be perfection each and every time.  If you are anything like me you will know that this is not the case.  That being said, just because it has happened in the past does not mean it has to continue into the future or even now in the present.

What I want to share with you today is that hitting the bullseye is a lot easier then you might think, and thinking about it is surely a part of what will be your success.  Our thoughts are the beginnings of our actions.  Now these actions may not come for years and years, but a thought is still the beginning of anything and pretty much everything that we do.  I have learned this the hard way, and trust me if you can learn from my experiences you will be better off in the long run.

I was having dinner with a very close friend the other night, and we were talking about where both of us had been over the last few months.  Both of us have had our own issues to contend with, but both of us have grown through these issues.  As we were talking I kept picturing what the future was going to look like.  I could see the multitudes who would be learning from what I have written, learning from what they were hearing from me.  I could see it as clear as day.  I had set the target and what I needed to do was begin to hit the bullseye.  I could sit here all day and wait for everything to be perfect and then and only then step out into those things that I know await me.  However, waiting for the perfect time to do anything will leave you holding the bag and when all is said and done, nothing will get done.  If one is ever going to step out into their destiny then one needs to take steps to do this.  I have learned that hitting the mark is always going to begin with how you see yourself doing whatever it is you desire to do.

If you are not able to feel the joy that will come with you completing your task, then it is doubtful that you will ever have to worry about completing it.  Wayne Dyer, one of my favorite authors, and someone who has taught me a great deal over the last few years, says that the beginning begins with the end in mind.  In this case, being able to feel what it will be like when you are in the middle of your destiny, doing those things you have always dreamt of.  If you cannot feel the joy, then the joy will never come to you.  I know how difficult this can be at times, especially when you have come face to face with those barriers to your dreams.  When one is faced with countless obstacles to their desires, it is difficult to think or feel from the end, but in all honesty that is what you are going to have to do.  I see the throngs of people attending my events.  I see the completed books, those that have not been written yet.  I can feel the excitement of those who have been set free to walk in their destiny.  All of this comes even before anything is in its place.

The reason people miss the bullseye is because they can't see themselves hitting it.  They have let what others have said, what others have thought, and what others have done in the past, dictate how they see their own desires play out.  A change must take place.  That change is as simple as feeling as though you are already where you need to be, doing what you need to do, and allowing yourself to feel the emotion of having it all right now.  In the past many have wanted something, but they were not able to feel the joy, the peace, the happiness that comes with what they were desiring.  If you are not living in joy, peace, and happiness, then what you have is fear, sorrow, and more often then not anger.  Now fear, sorrow, and anger are very much present in our world today, but because someone else might be experiencing it does not mean you have to.  Just because someone you know is having problems obtaining what they desire does not mean that you have to follow in suit.

Here's the bottom line:  if you want to hit the bullseye, then you are going to have to see yourself do it, feel yourself do it, and above all else, expect it to happen.  When the expectancy is equal to the desire, then I will tell you that great things will happen.  Part of expectancy is feeling what it will be like when you have completed your task.  I know this may sound redundant, but far too many people have never felt what it is like to be successful.  If you have not felt this, then my guess is you have not experienced it either.  Feeling the emotion is so key to you having what you desire.  I wish I could put it a different way, but I can't.  You must feel the joy, the happiness, the overall thrill of having your hearts desire, if there is every going to be a chance of you obtaining your hearts desire.

Set the intention of feeling from the end in mind.  What will you feel like when you complete your dream?  When you determine what you will feel like, then begin feeling it.  If you are able to start doing this, then things will begin to change in a very positive and in a very quick way.  One last thing:  the bullseye is not small to make it more difficult to hit.  The bullseye is small because it requires more focus to see it.  The more focus the better the end result.  Think about that last little nugget for a while and see if you don't change some of what you may have thought in the past.

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