Monday, October 27, 2014

Twinkle, Twinkle little star.
Our planet is about the size of a grain of sand if you added up all the deserts and beaches in the world in comparison to the total universe.  We are so small and yet each of us are as unique as each single grain of sand, and each of us have abilities that are mind blowing.

I was sitting outside last night just looking up at the stars.  I wondered just how far away each of them were, and then I began to think about the massiveness of the universe.  In that moment I also began to think about just how special each of us are.  I mean we were put here by a creator who is not a respecter  of people.  God does not sit up in some celestial kingdom deciding who will have riches and who will live in poverty.  The decision was not made whether one will be sickly or healthy all their life.  It's not as if God has this lottery wheel and what ever spin it lands on is your fate in life.  We have been conditioned by man to accept certain things as truth when in reality most of what man says we have to go through is simply an illusion designed by man.

I want you to understand a few things this morning, and this is something that I have been writing about for some time, but I feel as though it is timely to go over it again.  If you see yourself as insignificant then that is what you will always be is insignificant.  If however, you see yourself as special, which you are, then special is what will follow you throughout your entire life.  I'm going to pound this thought into you if it's the last thing I do.  There are so many people walking around with thoughts of failure, thoughts of fear, and thoughts of "what's it matter" that it's a wonder they are able to function at all.

One must accept the divinity that resides in them or they are doomed to walk in those things that most people dread.  Your design is one of perfection.  Your being here right now is also in that perfection of God.  I am not here to push one single religion.  Truth be told I do not care for organized religion.  I think that most people have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to understanding the true nature of the Creator of the Universe.  Jesus the Christ, walked in total illumination.  You have within you the same ability to walk in illumination.  You can know what it is to walk as a spiritual being.  All the garbage that man has placed in our minds about this and that, is simply that, garbage.  Why in God's name do you think we are destined to live in lack?  Why do you think we need to live in fear? Failure? Depression?  None of these things are reflected in the true nature of God, nor are these things that Christ allowed to operate in his life.  We are no different that Christ and the sooner you can accept this fact, the sooner you can begin to walk in a way that is congruent to who you were designed to be.

There will be those who will squirm while reading this, but that is because they have bought into those things that man has decided are right.  I'm here to tell you that most of what we go through in life that is contrary to the true nature of God is avoidable if you will simply recognize the divinity that resides in you.  I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself on this, but repeat it I will until you begin to believe what I am telling you.  It has taken me years to understand who and what I am.  I have been through more testings and trials in my life then I would like to admit, but I have learned more about me, and in this knowledge I have begun to live the life that I was always intended to live.  You too are able to live the life you were intended to live if you will forsake what man has told you and simply understand that God placed you here for a specific purpose.  You have passions that are inside of you to lead you to the intended life you are supposed to be experiencing.

I know how hard it is to bypass what you may have been taught as a youngster.  Since your birth you have been told what life will be like.  Since you were able to think for yourself you have been bombarded with what is acceptable and what is not.  It is time to see yourself for who you really are and set yourself apart from those who refuse to see themselves in the light of this new illumination.  Let me ask you this one simple question:  is what you are going through right now feel right?  The work you might be doing right now, your chosen profession, does it feel right to you?  If the answer is yes, good for you.  If the answer is no, then I suggest you begin to look inside of yourself and figure out what will make you feel good and start going after it.  I have said this a bunch of times in the past, the heart is incapable of lying to you.  Your heart is guided by God's Spirit, and God's Spirit is in you, as you are in God's Spirit.  If you cannot see this then you have bought into the lie of man that you are insignificant.  Don't do this!

Stars might be millions of light years away from us, but their light can still be seen.  If we can see stars that far away, then they can see us.  If your light has not been shinning for others to see, then maybe it is time to turn up the light and let people see you for who you really are.  There is a light in each of us and it is there for other to see, for others to learn from, and for others to benefit from.  Together we can turn the light on for others and together we can change this planet.  You are a shining light to others and they need all the luster you can provide to them.  It is time to share who we are with others and help them light up.

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