Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I had no idea. Amazing, simply amazing.
Amazing, simply amazing.  That's how I see my life, and that feeling of amazement continues with each day that I am on this spiritual journey.  Now I am no different then so many others who are also on this journey we call life.  My story is not that amazing, at least not to the average person that I might come in contact with.  I have had my share of screw ups, and I have had many victories in my life.  I have been blessed with those who I love and that love me.  I have had opportunities that many would kill to have, and I have met some pretty astounding people.  The thing that amazes me is that I still have a long way to go on this journey but I look forward to each and every step of it.

I had no idea that my life would take the path it is on right now, and yet there is nothing that I would change.  I love writing.  I love speaking to people, either individually or in groups.  I love sharing my understanding of destiny and why it is so important that people discover their true destiny.  I think the thing that amazes me the most is that I have been blessed with a passion and the ability to work in that passion.  This is what I desire for everyone.  The opportunity to turn your passion into a vocation is the greatest thing anyone could experience.  Unfortunately there are so many who will never do this.  It may not happen because they have never discovered their passion.  It may not happen because others have crapped all over their passion and told them every reason why what they desire to do is rubbish.  It may simply be that they have never held the belief that they have just as much right as anyone to walk in their destiny which more often then not is in direct line with their passion.  No matter the reason, it is time to turn things around and accept those things that have been promised to you.

If I had known how much pleasure I would receive when I sit behind my computer writing, or speaking to others, I certainly would have begun it years ago.  I do not look at those years when I was wandering about trying to discover my rightful place as lost years.  I see those years as learning opportunities, stepping stones to where I am today.  As I have said so many times in the past everything we go through is a learning experience and we can and should learn from everything we go through.  If you are not learning from them it is because you have chosen not to learn from them.  Not the wisest thing to do, but let's face it, something that everyone does from time to time.

If you are not amazed at what you are doing in the moment then might I suggest that you take a look at where you are right now and do some soul searching.  There is nothing worse then looking back at one's life and wondering where all the time went.  Looking back and wishing that you had taken advantage of all the opportunities that presented themselves to you, yet you never took advantage of them.  When I talk with people and ask them about their current profession and the vast majority tell me that they would rather be doing something else, I have to wonder why they aren't.  Why are you refusing to move forward and at least make an attempt at doing something you love?

Living a life of regret will do nothing more then put you into an early grave.  Given the option to love what you are doing or staying put and doing something you hate, doesn't it make sense to make a move?  I mean really, staying in something you hate because you feel as though you have no other choice is lunacy.

Life is amazing, and everything you experience should have amazing written all over it.  Ask yourself this simple question:  am I doing what I always dreamed of doing?  Have I experienced all the things I wanted to experience?  It's never too late to start experiencing things.  It's never too late to try something new.  It's never to late to be amazed at what life can bring to you and you can bring to others.  What amazes me is that there are people who have given up on life, as if there will never be another opportunity for them to experience true happiness and joy.  I desire to be amazed at everything I get to experience, at everything I get to do, and I want this amazement to follow me until I take my last breath.  I don't intend on leaving this planet for many years to come, so I fully intend to be amazed until that moment comes.  If you cannot set the expectation that you will be amazed, then you will fall into the trap that so many have fallen into of just living and nothing more.

My life is amazing, simply amazing, and your life can be the same.  It is time to set the expectation, the intention, that life is going to take on new dimensions, new direction, new beginnings.  If you are tired of being stuck in a go nowhere existence, then what have you got to loose by setting your sights on something you always wanted to try but haven't yet.  I want you to experience all the amazing things that life has to offer you.  I want you to talk to others about your life in the hopes that they will be motivated to go after the amazing things they desire in life.  Life is amazing and until such time as you can be amazed at your life, you will only be looking at things from a distance and that is no way to look at things.  Get involved with amazing.  Look for the amazing.  Be the amazing.  It just might amaze you how things change, and change is never bad, never.  Reach for amazing and see if things don't turn around, and turn around in an amazing way.

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