Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My word is my bond.

If you didn't mean it then why did you say it?  If you didn't want the results why did you do it?

It seems like we get what is coming to us and we get it because we have put it out to the universe in a way that makes it impossible for anything else to happen other then what you have asked for.  Now this may seem like some type of double talk but just stick with me and you will see what I am talking about when its all said and done.

I started re-reading a book that I had read several times in the past simply because there were things going on in my life that I didn't like and I had to figure out why I was doing what I was doing.  Being a human being I am just as prone to making mistakes as anyone. I would like to think that I have matured enough to watch what I say and do on a daily basis and even though I have gotten much better with the words that escape out of my mouth there are times when I need to be reminded of the power of my words.

Over the next few weeks, and who knows maybe even months, I am going to be sharing with you my understanding of what it is to be a Spiritual Being.  There have been all kinds of books written about spirituality and to some degree there is much to be learned from reading them.  However, simply reading a book is not going to get you to understand the significance of your presence here on earth.  You must get to the point where you own it.  You can read a book about driving a car and from an intellectual standpoint understand it completely.  That does not mean that you will have the ability to drive a car the first time you sit behind the wheel.  It will take practice, patience, and a desire to drive.  The same can be said about understanding what it is to be a Spiritual Being, one who fully walks in their knowledge and operates according to spiritual law.

True or false:  your spirit, your true essence is eternal.  That would be true, in fact your spirit has always been, and will always be.  It will never die, and it was never born, it just is.  Hard as this may be to comprehend, you must realize the significance of this fact.   True of false: Spirituality is reserved only for those chosen by a supreme being who have proven themselves worthy.  That is false, false, false.  Oh did I mention that that last statement is false?  Spirituality is nothing more than coming to terms with who you really are.  We are not mere mortals who occasionally have a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings who just happen to inhabit a mortal body.  Problem with depending on the mortal side of things to go through life is that we have been conditioned to think like mortals.  It is man who claims rights to all the downsides of life.  Among these would be a life of scarcity, fear, doubt, and other things that keep us from walking a true spiritual life.  True or false:  our thoughts and words are what dictate what we go through as humans.  This is so true it is almost scary.  I have learned over the years that I was the architect of my life, both the good and bad that I have experienced.  I would love to say that I have only manifested good in my life, but the evidence is contrary to that.  I have been guilty of creating fear, doubt, and scarcity.  It was never planned, but my limited knowledge of the power of my thoughts and words kept me trapped in a world that man said I needed to be in.

My spiritual awakening came in quiet moments.  Moments of introspection, moments of quiet reflection, and moments when I could put down the conditioning of man and pick up my new vision of life as it should be.  You have the same ability to do this, all it will take is a will to be the person you were designed to be.  It's easy to say to someone that they need to watch the words that come out of their mouth, it is entirely a different thing to adhere to this.  I have done pretty well with this, but there are still days when I will slip and I will tell you that I have learned to quickly keep those words in check.  I know the power of words and thought.  I know what I should say and should think.  I know that I have a ways to go, but I will tell you this, I am so thankful I am in the place I am today.

Spirituality is not something you do, it is who you are.  You are a Spirit, and with this comes unlimited potential, and unlimited possibilities. Those who cannot see this have fallen prey to what man has dictated as normal.  There is nothing normal about living in lack, living in fear, and living in doubt.  Man says it is normal, not the Creator of the Universe.  God did not put you here right now just to take up space.  You have a destiny, a calling, a purpose for being here.  Whether your life is short, or you live to a ripe old age, there is something that you have been designed to do.  If you desire to accept your destiny, then you will have to accept the fact that you are first and foremost a Spiritual Being, with all the rights and privileges that go along with it.

As you can see my word is my bond.  That bond can bring good or it can bring evil.  Not evil in the sense of darkness, but evil in terms of not walking in enlightenment.  I choose enlightenment, and you can do the same.  As we progress in this spiritual walk I encourage you to take time to be silent.  Take the time to reflect, and spend your quiet moments accepting the greatness of your design and the greatness of your being here.  This journey you have accepted will bring you joy, but first you must accept who and what you are.  Let's take this journey together, as I have said before, if life is a journey, why go it alone?

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