Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I am......what?
I would like you to finish this sentence:  I am.....  What was the first word that came to mind?  Did you say I am beautiful, I am smart, I am dynamic, I am happy, peaceful, or I am full of joy?  Did the first word that came into your mind build you up, or did it tear you down like the negative words we have had to hear from others around us?  If your first thought was I am dumb, fat, ugly, stupid, then I can tell you for sure that you probably have experienced lots of those feelings recently, and if you are like so many would give anything never to have to feel that way again, am I right?

Well today you are going to have the opportunity to turn your life around, and you will never have to turn back and experience the hurts of the past.  Today I am going to share with you just what it means to be a Spiritual Being that inhabits a mortal body. If you are ready to have a life altering experience then I want you to take a deep cleansing breath and take a walk with me.

What many people do not understand, whether it be because they have never thought of it, or because they simply can't believe it, is that what you say and think becomes your reality sooner or later.  The Law of Attraction is just as much a spiritual law as the Law of Gravity is a physical law.  You will never be able to change gravity as it pertains to our existence here on earth, and the same can be said about the Law of Attraction.  Just because you may not understand or believe that the Law of Attraction is real doesn't mean that it will not have an affect on you and your life.  What I am asking you to do is to become a full participant in this thing we call Spirituality.  What I am asking is for you to put an end to the suffering that many have experienced at their own hand, or in some cases because of the words they have spoken.

There have been books written about this law as well as movies detailing what the Law of Attraction is all about.  I will not bore you with a regurgitation of all the information, but suffice it to say far too many people who are living or maybe better put, existing, in lousy situations would do well to research this spiritual law.  If you are prone to using words that are contrary to the way you would like to live, then you will be the recipient of those things you speak.  Once again, crying out to others because you have no money, or because you are trying to gain sympathy for feeling lousy, is nothing more than a request to continue to be poor and feel crappy.  You have to get to the point where you begin to speak words that will lift you out of the trap you may have been in for years.  I am beautiful, I am a genius, I am more than able to accomplish this task.  These are the words that need to proceed from your mouth and out into the universe.  Now there will be those who will discount all that I am writing today because quite frankly mankind has discounted these words for ions.  The conditioning of man has done nothing but trap people in self-imposed prisons.  It is time to unlock your cell and be free, and who knows, maybe experience freedom for the very first time in your life.

When this universe was created it came about simply because the Creator of the Universe spoke it into existence.  Whether it came because of the Big Bang or however you want to interpret the creation of all you see right now matters not, the truth is it was spoken into existence.  We as a creation of the Creator makes us able to speak things into existence as well, both good and bad.  Problem is most people have crapped all over this idea because they have been told by others that this is not possible and what we go through in life is there to teach us something.  I agree that all happenings in our life are learning opportunities, but does that mean that we have to take the good with the bad?  My answer to that is no, not in the slightest.  When you realize that you have the ability to get above this, then you will finally rid yourself of the scourge of man's inability to know the true nature of God and walk in that nature.

When I lay down to sleep each night I speak my "I ams".  I am a writer, I am a speaker, a healer, I am abundant, and I am perfect health.  When I speak this then I am putting the rest of the world on notice that this is how I see myself, how I talk about myself, and how I expect to live.  Problem with most people is they have been trained to think that saying things like this is nothing more than poppycock and an act of futility.  Well those are the same people who will have to continue to live in strife, disharmony, and fear.  I choose to depart from this and pick up what I know to be truth.

Will you be able to rid yourself of every negative word instantly? Probably not, but even if you change just a few of your words it will mean a huge change in your life.  Look at it this way:  if what I am writing is in deed poppycock then you have nothing to loose.  If what I am saying is utter nonsense then you will continue living the way you are living right now.  If I am right however, then isn't it worth your effort to try to change your words and in changing your words and thoughts, change your life?  If I am wrong you loose nothing, if I am right, you gain everything.  The decision is yours.

Let your "I am" statements be ones that create opportunity, bring happiness and joy, and not the opposite.  We have been prisoners in our own little world for too long and it is time to be released and experience life the way it was intended to be experienced and not just the way that man dictates it.  Your words can bring joy and happiness, and given the other option I choose joy and happiness.

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