Monday, July 14, 2014

Up, up, and away in my beautiful balloon.
Ever look at things from a different vantage point?  Ever wish you could see things from a different perspective?  Do you even care to see things differently, or are you stuck in a place where it really doesn't matter to you?

Today is your opportunity to begin to see things a little differently, and in doing so change things up, which by the way isn't such a bad thing from time to time.

If you continually look at things from where you are, and not from where you want to be, you are never going to move forward in those things you hold so close to your heart.  When I was flying in the Air Force I would take off in a KC-135 and my vantage point was from the cockpit.  It was totally different when I was a passenger on a  commercial flight and I would only see things from the side of the plane.  I will tell you taking off and looking straight ahead into the Wild Blue Yonder vice just the side of the plane is totally different.  If you were to go up in a hot air balloon your view of the surrounding area would be quite different from just being on the ground and thinking about what things would look like from two or three thousand feet above the ground.

I want you to see yourself from a different perspective today.  Different from your past, different from your current situation.  I want you to think about all the things you would like to accomplish and maybe for the first time believe that you can accomplish them, but act as thought what you want and desire is already here.  This kind of thought process is not something that many people can grasp and yet these are the same people who are stuck in a rut, never moving forward in those things they desire.  If you are unable to see yourself doing what you desire, it is a good bet you will never get there.  Your new perspective must be "I am there" and not "When I get there".  If you are waiting until you get somewhere to experience it, you will never get there and you will never experience it.  This may sound like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but the Law of Attraction, the need to set the intention, is anything but mumbo jumbo.  Setting the intention, believing that it is done, is the only way we will ever walk in our destiny.

I have spent hour on top of hour lately reflecting on the whole topic of intention.  I have had to redefine myself, and instead of believing what others have said, believe what I now know to be true: that being I am a divine creation and I am empowered by my creator to do some pretty incredible things.  We have allowed our fellow man to dictate what we believe.  We have allowed our fellow man to form us into their image, and not the image that was intended the moment we were created.  We have allowed our fellow man to tell us what we should see, how we should react to it, and how we should feel.  Well my lovelies, it's time to tell these well intentioned beings that you will no longer be subject to their demands.   You are you, you will be you, and you will hold true to the greatness that has been placed in you.

Yes it is time to see things from a different perspective.  It is time to shed the thoughts of the past and move into the future.  We fail at things because we have yet to believe we deserve to succeed.  Many people have allowed the words spoken to freeze them in their own tracks, incapable of moving forward in those things that they were always intended to move forward in.  Your new perspective must be one where you see the greatness in you, and the impact you will have on the rest of humanity.  There will be those who will poo poo on the idea of destiny.  Just because you don't or can't t see your destiny doesn't mean you don't have one.  Simply because you turn your back on your destiny does not make it go away.

Please take some time to reflect on who you are.  The you that you know, and not the you that others have created.  The freedom to be who you were created to be is a freedom that can never be taken away from you.  You are the only one who can stop you from being your authentic self.  This is a time to throw away all the thoughts of doubt, thoughts of failure, and set the intention that you will walk in your destiny.  Your new perspective is not new at all.  This perspective was placed in you the moment you were created and it has never changed.  We may have let others try to alter it, but who you are has never changed.  Your perspective must be unaltered by man.  It must be real to you, and you must accept one simple fact:  you are here to stay, and you will achieve those things that you were created to achieve.

I was once lost, but now I am found.  I discovered the reason I am here, and you will have this same discovery if you will open yourself up to seeing things in a different perspective.  The future is bright if you will toss away the darkness of the past.  Let's be honest:  are you truly happy being or doing what you are right now?  Is there something you know you should be doing?  Take that leap of faith and begin to walk toward the light of your destiny.  Your destiny will help others change their perspective and they in turn will help others as well.  Open your eyes to what is, and not what has been.  Change your perspective and change your life.  You will never regret it, I guarantee you that.

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