Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dare to Dream!
Too old to dream!  I've heard that before and I will always give the same response, bull crap.  If ever there was a time that required dreamers, and needed them in a big way, now is that time.

Saying that one is too old to dream is as nuts as saying that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.  We dream because there are things that we are supposed to do in this life and age has absolutely nothing to do with it.  So if dreams are here to show us something, why are we so quick to discount them?  Why do we automatically toss them out simply because we feel as though what we are seeing in our dreams will never happen?  One of the main reasons people never follow their dreams is because they haven't a clue how they play into their destiny.  If one were to connect the dots they would see how everything is connected and they have been given a perfect road map to where they are supposed to go with their dreams.

Those who dare to dream, who dare to dream big, are the ones who will accomplish things that many have said was impossible.  Those who dream big are the ones who don't allow age, or gender, or backgrounds to stop them.  Those who dream big are the very ones who will tell you that life is all about capturing your dreams and running with them.  I have dreams of helping others achieve all in life what they were so eager to achieve.  My dreams are now out there in front of me and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't reflect on them and walk in them.  If I am able to do this then there is no reason in the world that you can't do the same thing.

How sad is it when you have a dream, you get swept away by the joy that comes from just envisioning what the world would be like when you accomplish what is in your heart, and yet you never ever take action on those dreams?  I could have sat around for years and years dreaming about writing a book, and I could have grown old and gray never putting any action or energy toward those dreams.  Today I am so glad that I got off my butt and did what was in my heart to do.  Has it always been easy?  No, not always.  But I will tell you this, it has always been an adventure, and boy has it been rewarding.

Henry David Thoreau said this about dreams, and I have used this quote in several of my books, "If one advances confidently in the directions of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."  The word confidently really resonates with me in this sentence.  Many times we have dreams that we are not really confident in.  Most will ask if the dreams are just due to something they ate too late in the evening, or is there something that really needs to be picked up on with the dream.  Confidence comes from practice.  When you were just a toddler and began to walk there wasn't a whole lot of confidence in you.  Once you got a little older and a little more stable in your balance then walking became something of the norm.  Well the same can be said about dreams.  Once you have accepted that you have dreams for a reason, and once you understand what you should do with them, then you are able to take them, work with them, and then see the results of each dream.  Your confidence will build with each attempt and before you know it you will meet up with that unexpected success that Mr. Thoreau so elegantly wrote about.

So let me ask you this:  what are your dreams?  What are those things that you would love to do, have thought about doing, but as of this moment still have not moved on them?  Funny thing about dreams, you can't get rid of them.  They will continue to come back to you until you either take some kind of action or they drive you nuts.  Sadly, many people have opted for the nuts part instead of acting on their dreams.  Well today is a new day and you have the opportunity to turn the page of a new chapter in the book of your life.  You can set aside the past and leap toward the future.  A future mind you that has been spelled out in pretty good detail within the dreams that you may have buried deep into your subconscious.

Stepping stones, stepping stones, stepping stones:  that is why we have dreams and that is what a dream is all about.  They are stepping stones to your destiny and the sooner you can grasp this the sooner you will forget about what others have said to you and move forward in doing the things you know you should be doing.  Whether you are twenty or eighty, dreams will come to you and because of this that means there are things that you need to do.  We never stop dreaming and we never stop working with our destiny.  You can run from it, but it will find you.  You can bury your dreams but they will still inch back into your life in so many different ways that you would have to be a complete idiot not to be able to spot it.

I dare you to dream big.  I double dare you to dream big.  I triple dog dare you to dream big.  If you will lower your guard, trust in your intuition, and follow your dreams, then that moment of unexpected success in common hours will be your reward.  You are never to old or too young to dream.  It is time to dust off your old dreams and do what you should have done long ago, follow that dream, and see where it takes you.  Your destination will be a place of pure joy and happiness, and in finding that place, you will take others along with you to enjoy pure joy and happiness as well.  What are you waiting for, lets get moving and see what dreams are made of.

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