Friday, July 25, 2014

As tiny as a mustard seed.
It is as small, if not smaller than a mustard seed, but from it grows something so immense people will be talking about it for years to come.

What is it?  Some say faith is like a mustard seed.  Some say it is vision.  Vision for the future, vision for things yet discovered.  Some say it is our dreams and what those dreams mean to us individually and corporately.

For me the one word that sums all of this up is destiny.  Destiny is a combination of faith, vision and dreams.  One must have faith to believe that something is real without really seeing any true evidence of it at the beginning. One must have vision.  The ability to see things that may not be manifested just yet, but inside you know that you know that they are real.  Dreams, ever present and always there to shed light on the possibilities of the future.  We all have faith, vision, and dreams.  We may not always abide by them, believe them, or even desire them, but I can assure you we all have them.  We all have them because we all have a destiny, and these three things are what will bring forth your destiny, or at least your ability to discover and ultimately walk in your destiny.

Your destiny was present the moment you were born.  At that moment you had no idea what faith was.  You knew nothing of visions, and dreams, but they were something that would come about as you developed over the years.  As a newborn your understanding of destiny was very small but over the years it has grown because you have grown.  You have seen bits and pieces of it even if you have not wanted to admit to it.  You have dreamt about things not knowing that these dreams are attached to your destiny.

Why do I bring all this up today?  Fact is, I write about destiny each and every time I sit down behind my computer.  The title may be different.  The topic may change each day.  What doesn't change is the intent of my writing, that being, to make you aware of, and ultimately enjoy a life where your destiny is what drives you, what motivates you, and what brings you joy and happiness.  When I started writing my first book I never really gave it much thought how it would morph into what it is today.  I knew I had something inside of me that I wanted to get out, but I never saw myself writing numerous books, blogs, and other things.  As I began my journey I was unsure as most first-time authors are, but I also had this knowing that I was headed in the right direction.  If you had told me that destiny was going to be my main theme, I may have listened, but I never thought to what degree destiny would be playing out in my own life.

True Destiny in the beginning was as tiny as a mustard seed, but today it has grown into something that I never could have imagined.  Truth be told I'm not even sure I really believed in my destiny at the beginning.  I have spent countless hours over the years reading about self-discovery.  I began to dissect and otherwise tear down those things that wanted to get in the way of me walking in my destiny.  It took faith, vision, and a whole lot of dreaming.  However, if I can do it and it is for me, then you also can do it, for it is just as much for you as anyone.  

Your destiny, whether it be ever so small in your knowledge of it currently, has the potential to be something huge.  Let me say this: the size of your destiny is not what is important.  The grandness of your destiny is not important.  What is important is that you discover your destiny.  As humans we tend to see things and measure them against other things.  Measuring your destiny against someone else's destiny is a mistake.  Your destiny is no more, nor any less important than anyone else's.  I have said this so many times in the past, only you can accomplish the things you were created to accomplish.  Remove ego from the equation for ego will destroy your ability to fully walk in your destiny.

It is time to release all that you are.  It is time to take that tiny seed that was planted in you at the moment of your conception and let it bring forth the destiny that resides in you.  As your faith grows, as you see things that may seem impossible, as you dream of what can be, then you will be one step closer to your destiny.  Walking in your destiny is what brings peace, joy, and happiness.  If you are lacking in these areas then it is doubtful that you have accepted your purpose for being here.  Turn things around and begin to follow what you know to be true.  Follow your heart and extend your faith.  When it is all said and done, you are the only one that can grab your destiny and run with it.  Your understanding of your destiny may be as tiny as a mustard seed right now, but I can tell you that it will not stay there.  It will grow, it will flourish, and it will take you to new heights.  It is time to take that first step.  It may seem like a leap of faith, but it will be the first step in a journey that will take you to some pretty amazing places.  I am there with you, always looking out for you.

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