Friday, June 6, 2014

Never let the light go out on your dreams.

Image courtesy of Vicktor Kozers (
I have known many people who have given up on their dreams.  They have left the best part of who they are behind only to live a miserable, lonely, and unfulfilled life.  As Wayne Dyer says they have left this world with their music still in them.  I know I have been on a particular rant these last few days but that is only because there is a shift about to happen and if you are not prepared you will miss it and then it will all be over but the crying.

This shift, this change of dynamics, is not a shift that is going to come to all.  This is not a shift that will change the entire planet.  This shift will not alter the course of mankind, at least not the entirety of mankind.  This shift however, will change the way you may have seen things in the past, and it definitely will change the way you look at things in the future.  This shift will come to you if you are willing to accept the words I write to you today.  You of course have the option to discount everything I am about to share with you, but before you throw the baby out with the bathwater might I suggest you take a hard look at it again, and then make your choice.

People, at least the vast amount of people who have given up on their dreams have done so for one reason and one reason only:  they never truly believed in them, their dreams that is.  Sure they have played around with them, thought about them, and maybe even tried them out for a period of time, but no, they never really believed in them.  One of the main reasons they have never latched on completely to their dreams is because they have failed to realize the significance of having the dreams in the first place.  Our dreams, our desires are in direct line with those things we are passionate about.  If the passion does not reside with them, then for the most part those things you always thought were dreams are really only fancy, a passing fancy at that.  No, real dreams are deeply imbedded in you, and there is nothing that will ever take their place.  Your dreams and desires will always line up with your destiny.  Your destiny as I have said so, so many times in the past is the reason you are here right now.

I could no more give up on my writing then give up my daughter or my own life.  It is such a big part of who I am and what I love, that to leave it at the curb is just not something I could ever do.  I refuse to leave this life with my music still in me.  Each of us will need to decide what to do with the dreams we have been given, and the word "given" is exactly the correct term.  Your creator, with all the knowledge of what lies in wait for you, has placed into you the dreams that will guide you to your destiny.  Here's a simple test to see if what you have dreamt about is really something you should be looking at.  First off, what are you passionate about?  What is the one thing you would be doing right now if there were no limits.  If money, training, time, or even talent was not an issue, what would you be doing right now?  What is the one thing that puts a smile on your face whenever you think or dream about it?  If you could only do one thing in this life what would it be?  Forget about what job you might be in right now, what is the one thing you would like to be doing right now, in this moment?  My guess is that it would be in direct line with your passion, and also the dreams you have had since you can remember.

If you cannot answer the above questions then I will tell you that you are really in a bad place.  Everyone has dreams: now not everyone will acknowledge them, but believe you me, they have them.  Letting the light go out on your dreams is nothing more than giving up on life, and not just your life, but on the lives of others who are depending on you to be the person you were intended to be.  Here's another way to look at it:  why would you not want to do something that brings you so much joy?  I mean would you really want to be stuck in a job that brings no satisfaction, no joy, happiness, or contentment?  Does the desire to make a ton of money outweigh the desire to have a truly happy and harmonious life?  If money means that much to you let me fill you in on a little secret:  you will have left money on the table if you think this way.  Your ability to manifest all that you could ever want or need, is right in front of you if you will walk in your destiny.  On the other side of the coin, if you never discover and walk in your destiny, which is in direct line to your passion and dreams, then you will never be able to have the money you truly want.

I promise you this:  when you finally follow your dreams and discover the destiny that resides in you, money will never be something that is the motivator for what you do.  You will have an abundance of all you desire, but it will not drive you.  Given the option to follow your dreams, walk in your destiny, and knowing that your needs will always be met, or having a little now, but with no guarantee of it in the future, which option makes more sense to take?  I thought you would see it my way.  Honestly, it's not my way but the Creator's way to be truthful.  Dreams are stepping stones to destiny and destiny is the only thing that will ever bring you to the point of total and complete fulfillment and happiness.

Dreams are wonderful and what comes from them are, without fear of contradiction, the greatest things you will ever experience as well as those people you come in contact with.  Let the light shine on your dreams and let others see the light and walk in it as well.

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