Friday, May 16, 2014

What is the road to discovering your purpose in life?
Are you at a crossroad?  Have you tried a million different things in an attempt to get some clarity in your life?  Have you just gotten to the point where you are wondering if what you hope to achieve is ever going to be achieved?  If you are like me, and so many other people in the world today, you have asked yourself these questions.  Why am I here and what am I supposed to do with my life?  If I had a dollar for every time I have asked myself these very same questions I could retire the U.S. debt.

Whatever you do don't loose heart, you are in good company because there have been countless people who have asked themselves these very same questions and they are still around, albeit, doing what they love and what they were placed here on earth to do.  I am all too familiar with feeling like I have something to offer the rest of the world but never quite sure how to pursue it or even if it was meant to be pursued.  I know what it is like to lie in bed at night crying to the point of having no more tears because you want something so bad and you just can't seem to figure out how to get it.  I guess the best term that would describe how I have felt is hopelessness.  Wanting so bad, and yet not feeling as though I will ever be afforded the opportunity to do what I truly love.  It is enough to drive a person mad, and if you are like me you have also had those moments of just wanting to say to hell with it.  I have asked God to take away the desire if the intention was never to let me walk in those things that I desired to walk in.  What kind of Divine Creator would put such a desire in me and yet not allow me to walk in it?  That's just it, God would never give you a desire, a dream, or a vision, if the intent was to keep it from you and just tease you with it from time to time.

I have to fight negative thoughts each day.  I love writing and to be a writer and a speaker is all I want to do.  I have been given a great gift but there are times when even I have thoughts of doubt that creep into my mind.  I didn't go to college to be a writer and when I look at all the other writers out there I constantly ask myself what right do I have to think that I would be put into the same category as those who have come before me.  I have fought with these thoughts and fought some more.  It took a long time to realize that my gifts are unique to me and to measure myself against others is unfair and unwise.  I know where my gift comes from and the minute I realized this everything changed for me. I was no longer measuring myself against others I simply did what I had inside me to do.

Your desires, dreams, and visions were given to you simply because they are what you should be going after, and just in case you think otherwise, you are completely equipped to accomplish those things you have deep in your heart to accomplish.  We have all been created out of love, and love is what will get you moving in the right direction.  I want you to think about what this world would be like if every single person alive today was walking in their destiny.  Think about how things would be different because walking in one's destiny was all they focused on and not on all the other things that have plagued this world for far too long.  I realize that I cannot change the rest of the world, at least not by myself, but I can change the part of the world that I am responsible for and in those changes, I will see other things come about that need to happen.

We all have a purpose for being here, and once you decide to discover your purpose many of the questions you have had will be answered, even if it has taken you years of waiting to get those answers.  The one thing you will need to discover and believe in before you will ever walk in your destiny is that you have a destiny and you are just as deserving as the next person to walk in your destiny.  I don't care where you came from, who you know, what you do for work, or even if you have failed a thousand times before, you still have a destiny and you have every right to walk in it.  We can second guess our abilities until the cows come home, but the simple truth of the matter is this:  the Creator of the Universe would never design you for something and not equip you to be able to do what you were designed to do.  The dreams you have, the visions, the desires were all placed in you so you would know what direction to go in.  Yes there are many crossroads in our life, but there is only one true path to your destiny, to your purpose for being here.

The road to discovering your purpose is knowing that you are worthy of walking in your destiny.  You are loved and that love, which was the basis for your creation, is also the love that should motivate you to accept the unchangeable reality that you are here for a reason and only you can accomplish those things that was the motivation behind your creation.  Do not measure your desires or your destiny against anyone else's.  Your vision is unique, your dreams are unique, and only you can accomplish them.  You see, you are special in so many ways, and in this uniqueness you will come to an understanding that you deserve to discover and walk in your destiny.

There are many paths and many roads out there, but only one will lead you to the discovery that will be the most important discovery of your life.  I have walk many a mile trying to figure out things in my life.  I have been over rocky roads, hills and valleys, and an occasional dead end, but I finally stepped out on to the road that has lead me to my destiny.  You to have the ability to traverse many different roads, but in the end, there is only one right road for you to walk down. You will discover your purpose and when you do, things will change in a big way, and you will then realize that life is an adventure and you get to enjoy every minute of this adventure.  Put on your walking shoes and begin your journey with me.  Life is a journey and there is never a reason to go it alone, ever!

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