Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fear, it doesn't belong in your life, so stop letting it control you.
Fear is a paralyzing emotion.  It can come in many forms and at many different times in our life.  When we were children we feared the dark, the monsters that certainly were under our bed or in our closet.  As young teens we feared never being asked to a dance or worse never having our first kiss.  As adults we feared that time that was certainly around the corner when those closest to us would be departing this life and we would never see them again.  There are so many things that we can fear in this life, and if we continue to focus on them then fear is exactly what you will be living your life in, and I am here to tell you that this is no way to live.

Fear is a tough topic to tackle simply because I could go on for days talking about it.  I know of very few people who have not had to overcome some type of fear in their life.  One could be afraid of snakes, or spiders, others fear flying or high places.  Fear comes in many forms and at different levels, but no matter how you look at it, fear believe it or not is all based on illusion.  We are the fabricators of fear in our life.  Now much of it can come from past experiences, but those past experiences should have taught you something.  Problem with most people is they have not learned from the past and because of that they are doomed to repeat it at some point in the future.

Fear and faith kind of go hand in hand, or should I say, are kind of reciprocal.  If you are showing fear then faith has taken a back seat. Conversely, if you are walking in faith, then it is doubtful that fear will ever rear its ugly head.  I wish I could tell you that I have never been afraid or fearful.  I contend with this daily and daily I have to remind myself that faith is the only alternative that will get me past the fear or moving forward.  Many of the things we fear are really based on the conditioning that one has been subjected to since they were born. We fear not having enough food, not enough money, not enough of this or that.  We have seen those who have been in this situation and you fear that one day you might be in a similar situation.  We allow fear to dictate our actions, or in some cases we allow fear to stop any type of forward progress toward our dreams and goals.  I know all to well what fear can do to a vision or dream.  I allowed fear to stop me for many years because I let fear rob me of my true self.  I let what others said or thought dictate many of my actions, and when that happens you have lost control of your destiny.

Fear comes to us because we have yet to grasp the significance of our own divine nature.  If one were to truly understand and accept who and what they are, then fear would never have the opportunity to come into the picture.  One of the greatest enablers of fear is our own ego.  The ego will tell you that you have to have tons of money, or a successful business or job if you are ever going to be truly happy.  You live in fear of not having enough money or not reaching the pinnacle of your chosen profession.  Your ego will have you do things that will not only stop you from achieving your destiny, but it will keep you locked into past fears.  The ego will tell you that you must keep up with everyone else, because if you don't then you will have shown everyone else that you are a failure.  The ego will force you to take actions that are never going to get you to the place you are supposed to be.  If you want to escape fear then it's time to put your ego in a box, bury it deep in the ground, and begin to understand your greatness.

I have dealt with fear my entire life.  I've let fear dictate what jobs I took, what jobs I left, and what I could or could not do.  I despise fear, and yet I let it back into my life from time to time.  On my computer, the one sitting in front of me as I write this, is a sticky back with the words written on it "No worry".  I have it there because like almost every breathing human I tend to worry about things, but I worry about things that really should not be worried about.  Worry is nothing more than fear, and once again fear is not going to get you where you want to be.  I have to make a decision everyday to not worry, not fear, and everyday I will struggle with it.  I have to make a conscience decision each day to speak out to the universe who and what I am.  Now it may seem foolish for you to do this, but trust me, it will work.  Everyday I say things like "I am a published author", "I am a gifted speaker and lecturer.", and "I am loved and in a loving relationship."  I don't say these things because I doubt them, I say them because I want to send out into the universe my intentions and then I know that they will come back to me.  It is the law of sowing and reaping, the law of attraction.  If I sow fear or doubt, then how can I expect anything else to come back to me besides more fear and doubt.

You cannot live a life that has a foundation formed from fear.  I've heard many people claim that fear is a great motivator.  That is such hogwash, and trust me fear will never motivate.  Fear no matter how little it may seem at the start, will sooner or later build up to something that will overtake you.  You must cut it off at the root and never accept it back into your life.  Face the fears and once you do you will come to the realization that what you feared in the past was nothing at all.  When we face our fears we disarm them and then they have no ability to harm us again.  I no longer fear what is under the bed or in the closet when it is dark at night.  Face your fears and turn it into faith.  Faith that says you will walk in your destiny and you will have all that has been promised to you.  You are so deserving of having the best in life and fear will rob you of the best if you do not get it under control and stop letting it control you.  Faith, faith faith and not fear.  All you need to do is turn it around and realize that you are a divine creature of faith and not fear.

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