Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sometimes a nuisance, sometimes a necessity.
Those pesky one-way street signs seem to pop up at the most inopportune times.  You need to zig and they will only let you zag.  You need to turn left and yet it says you can only go right.  Had enough yet?  It also seems like these signs creep into your territory just to get under your skin and ruin what should be a stellar day.  Believe it or not these signs have been designed by experts who know the flow, the lay out of the land, and what works best.  Well maybe expert is an over-rated term, but we will give them the benefit of the doubt.  These signs are there for a purpose, and whether you like them or not, you should follow them.

 I like one way streets because I have nothing coming at me from the other direction, and with the exception of a possible car backing out into the street, I have a straight shot to my destination and a very wide berth to get through.  What I want you to see today is that one way streets are what you should be on when it comes to your life's purpose.  There truly is only one way to go through life, and until such time as you determine what that direction is, you are going to find yourself going against traffic at every turn, and what should be a happy Sunday afternoon drive, becomes a horrid, almost impossible experience.

When one is trying to discover the purpose or the meaning of life, then one needs to understand that there really is only one way of getting there.  These one way street signs should be a reminder to you that you are on the right path, doing the right things, and soon you will be to your destination.  I actually love seeing one way street signs because it is a reminder to me that I am on the right road and that my life is exactly where it needs to be, heading in the direction that I need to be going in.  Face it, once you get onto a one way street it is almost impossible to turn around and go the other way.  Think of it this way:  if you are on top of a ten meter diving platform you have two choices.  You can either jump off, which is the preferred way, or you can simply walk back, in which case you have not completed the task at hand.  Going down that one way street will get you to your destination, and when all else is done, that is the end result you should be looking for.  In life, as it pertains to discovering your destiny and walking in it, there really is only one direction you should be going in, and that one way is what the focus should be on.

I have seen people being tossed about by every manner of distraction, and this has done nothing to aid them in discovering their own purpose for being here. Most people have an idea of their purpose in life, but then they allow their own intellect to creep in and screw it all up.  Instead of following their intuition, their heart, they allow what they see, what they have experienced, and what they have been conditioned to believe, to be the driving force in all they do.  My dear friend, follow what is in your heart and forget about what may be in your head.  As smart as we are as humans, we are not nearly as smart as our intuition, which is spot on most of the time.  Once again the conditioning of man has directed us to a path that may not be the best path to be on, nor is it the path that will lead you to the one place that will provide you true happiness and joy in life.  I have allowed my intellect to guide me in the past, and although there is a time and place for this, I have found out that my intuition is far more accurate, and accuracy when it pertains to discovering your destiny is what it is all about.

There really is only one way to discover your destiny.  You can attempt to go the wrong way on a one way street, but we all know what the outcome will be if you choose to do that.  Do your self a favor and forget what others tell you is the right way or right direction to go in, and just follow your own perfect intuition.  You were given intuition for one reason and one reason only: to provide you a sure fire way of doing things right.  We all have hindsight, and we all know that hindsight is in deed twenty/twenty.  How many times have you thought to do something, decided against doing it, and when all the crying was over you figured out that what you thought was indeed the right thing to do was in fact the right thing to do?  The one way street you are is the most direct route to finding and walking in your destiny.  The one way street that is staring you in the face, although it may not be what you had intended to go down, is in fact the perfect solution to what you may be facing.

Oh I will admit that one way streets are sometimes a nuisance, but they are a necessity.  These streets will keep things flowing smoothly and they will help you get to the one place that you have always been destined to be.  Traveling hither and yon is like trying to navigate through a can of worms, but in the end that one way street will be the best route to take.  It is time for you to hop on the one way road to your destiny.  It is time to forget about all the detours you have experienced in life and come to the conclusion that there are some one ways roads worth taking.  Find the good road that leads to your destiny.  Travel on it with the assurance that it will lead you to the one destination that has been set aside for you and only you.  This final destination will be the most beautiful place you have ever seen, that you will ever be in, and one that you will never want to leave.  There is a right way, a wrong way, and then there is the one way.  Which one will you choose?  I wish you safe travels, and when you get to your destination let me know how it turns out.

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