Wednesday, January 22, 2014

When is enough, enough?

I think most everyone alive today, and many who have already passed on to another plane, will, or would have told   you that they have been at the end of their rope, and didn't have a clue what to do next.  Some of these situations may have been monumental while others may have been just a bump along the road to life.  No matter what you have faced, or will face in the future, there is one inevitable truth:  those who keep moving forward, will never be stopped in their tracks.  

Situations that we face have a way of bringing to a head those things that we hold most dear.  Often we are not aware of how important things are to us until we are faced with not having them any longer and then there is nothing you would not give to have them back in your life. The question I have for you this day is this:  if things are that important to you, why are you not doing everything in your power to keep them with you?  Now there is no right or wrong answer to this question because each of you will have different observations and ideas of how to handle things when they come up.

For me, my quest to walk in my destiny is not based on the amount of money I can make, or the legacy that I might leave behind when I finally leave these earthly bounds.  My destiny is to help others discover what it is that they were created to be or do, without regard to what is in it for me.  I see so many people who are motivated by what they can get out of something.  Now I am not here to tell you that making lots of money or enjoying great success is a bad thing.  What I want you to ask yourself is why are you doing what you are doing, and what is it that you are hoping to get out of all this activity?  I guess I have come to a point in my life where I am more interested in what I can do for others verses what I can get out of it for myself.  Now not everyone will get to this point, and I dare say that very few people will look at it this way, it doesn't make it right or wrong, it is just how it is.  What do you want to succeed at?  What is important to you?  What are you willing to do to see that you get all out of life what you are hoping for?  If you are unable to answer these questions then you will never have to worry about getting there, because you will never have gotten out of the starting gate.

There is a reason people are given talents and gifts.  What someone does with those gifts and talents is totally dependent on the one who processes them.  If you feel, as many do, that the most important thing in life is building an empire as a monument to your success, then I will tell you that there will never be a time when you have truly walked in your destiny.  Sure you may have a ton of money and prestige, but in the end, will that be enough?  For those whose motivation is to continue to obtain money and stuff, just to have it,  then sadly my guess is that enough will never be enough.  If on the other hand your motivation is to enable others to obtain the peace that can only come when they are walking in their destiny, then I think that enough will be enough and you will find ways to give most of it away.

Over the next few weeks I would like to take you on a journey of discovery.  This journey may not be without its ups and downs, bumps and bruises, but it will be one that will ultimately lead you to a place where you will decide that you never want to leave it again.  This place of peace is knowing that you are on the right path and this path is one that was destined for you from the beginning of time.  Ask yourself this question: are you truly happy with your place in life right now or is there something you want to change?  If you are happy and would change nothing then I encourage you to help others get to this same point.  If on the other hand you know there has to be more to life then what you are experiencing right now, then take this journey with me.  I know what it is like to want more out of life and yet you are not quite sure how to get to this place.  I know what it is like to want something so bad and yet it seems to be just out of your reach.  You now have an advocate and my destiny is to help you become the person you were always destined to be, doing those things that will truly complete you.  It is a great time to take the first step on your journey and together we will unleash the potential that has always been in you and then success will follow you all the days of your life.

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