Monday, January 27, 2014

The haves and have nots; which road will you choose?

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When people talk about the haves and have nots most think about money and position, as it relates to our position in society.  I guess it won't come as any big surprise to most who have read my blog in the past that I take a different view of this.  I believe there are two distinct groups of people, the ones who have discovered their destiny and are beginning to walk in it, and those who haven't the foggiest notion of what they are supposed to be doing with their life.  There is nothing worse then feeling like life has passed you by and you are just passing time waiting to move on to your next state of being.  I have been there and I will tell you it is like being in a prison with absolutely no chance of parole.  Well, today begins a new day, with a new perspective and outlook, and if you are wise you will jump on the bandwagon that I call "True Destiny" and begin a journey with me that will change your life forever.

There are so many people who live in the past and because of this they have almost zero chance of ever moving into the future, their future, their destiny.  I will be the first to admit that life will bring challenges from time to time, but these challenges are nothing more than smokescreens trying to get you off course, in the hopes that you never discover who and what you are.  When I speak of destiny I am talking about that one thing that you were destined to do, and this destiny is nothing that you can change. Sure you can decide not to accept it, not something I recommend you do, but change it, not so much.  You have been placed here to accomplish something, and that something is what you have to discover.  Let me make this statement and I hope with everything in me that you hear what I am about to say.  Your destiny is not measured against anyone Else's destiny.  If you were created to be the best parent on the face of the earth then that is just as important as being the head of some multi-national corporation.  We need to get away from basing what we do against what others have done or are doing.

If you feel trapped in a career or job that brings you no satisfaction whatsoever, then I will tell you that you are not walking in your destiny. Certainly you may be rewarded with a good salary and benefits, but at what point will you decide that it's not worth it?  You can have it all in the eyes of society and in reality have nothing at all simply because you are not in the right place, your right place.  I have had more jobs over the last five or six years and I will tell you that none of them provided me with the satisfaction that I currently am experiencing by doing what I was destined to do.  You can try to sit around and fake it, but after a bit of time it will drive you crazy.  Face it, you know already if you are doing what you were intended to do.  What many people need is a kick in the pants and told to move on and experience life the way life was supposed to be.  Think about what truly would make you happy and go after it.  Don't worry what others think, after all they undoubtedly are having the same feelings as you, but they have not displayed the courage to step out into those things that they know they should be doing.

I want you to answer this very simple question, and I want you to be completely honest:  if you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?  Don't worry about training, money, or even experience, think about what would truly make you happy.  Now that you have thought about it, can you say to me that you are doing it right now?  If you are, congratulations, you are in a very small group of people who are truly happy and content with what they are doing.  If on the other hand your response is "No" then I suggest you spend a few moments thinking about it and asking yourself why not.  Most of the time the why not is because some dunderhead has told you in the past what a ridiculous notion it was or that there would be no way for you to make a living doing it.  Unfortunately you have bought into this load of hogwash and because of that have not stepped out into the things that would make you happy.  Face it your happiness is your happiness without regard to what others may think or say.  Who cares if Uncle Joe or Aunt Betty agree with you or not.   Who gives a rat's ass if what you are doing makes sense to anyone else.  They are not living your life, you are.

Challenges come and challenges go.  Spring will follow winter, and summer before fall.  You can never change these things, and you can never change the destiny that was placed in you the moment you were created.  Maybe it's time to discover what that destiny is and begin to walk in it.  You deserve to be happy just like many others are happy.  You are no different than them, no less deserving, no less righteous.  If they can walk in their destiny then so can you.  The simple question is, will you make the decision to accept your destiny or forever walk around wondering how life could be?  If you want to talk about it, get a hold of me.  I am just an email away or a phone call.  My destiny as I have said before is helping you discover your destiny.  Let's change the world and change it in a big way.

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