Tuesday, January 28, 2014

If you always do what you always did, then you'll always get what you always got!

Courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/light_seeker/6779884645
I didn't have plans to write today, as I try to get a blog out on Monday, then Wednesday, and finally on Friday.  That all changed when I was hit with a thought and try as I might I could not get it out of my head, and I have learned to follow the intuition that I have been blessed with, so here it goes and my God have mercy on my soul.

It's not often, as of late that is, that I take to political commentary, but in light of what I am seeing, I thought it time to get on my soapbox and let the world know my views.  First off let me say that I am not a member of any political party.  As a matter of fact as I get a little older and find myself questioning various things that are happening in my own state as well as the nation, I am beginning to wonder what government has become and what is its real purpose.  Now there are many who will wonder what has this rant got to do with "Destiny" and I think you will see the method to my madness when it is all done.

First and foremost, I am so tired of the Power Brokers in Washington whose only purpose for being there, in my opinion, is to find of way of staying there.  You have two political parties and I can't tell you the last time I even remotely thought they were working together for something that really meant anything.  If one party says its hot outside the other will claim its cold.  You have one side saying we need to do this and on the other side of the isle it is nothing more then telling everyone else why it won't work.  Now I understand there will always be differences, but if I have to work out differences with others in order to get things done, why can't those in office find a way of doing the same thing.  We have gotten to the point where instead of the people running government we have allowed government to run the people.  I support our President, not because I agree with everything he does, but because he is our President.  You would have to be a total idiot to wish failure because that only hurts our nation, a point that has been lost on many people in Washington.  Now I did not vote for President Obama, but that doesn't mean I don"t want him to succeed.  There have been a lot of people who hold office that I never voted for, but I still want them to do what is best for the country.

I believe it is time to limit the time one can serve in Washington.  I hear people say that we need to have continuity, meaning their experience is something we can't afford to loose.  Oh is that what you call it "experience".  I call it cronyism, and quite frankly I am tired of it.  "If you wash my back, I'll wash yours."  "If you support this, I will support that."  You could throw the entire lot of them out on their collective butts, bring in a whole new crew, and we could do no worse then we are doing right now.

We have people hurting in our states and all around this nation, and I have yet to figure out why our government is unable to put their minds together to get something done that will put our great nation back on track.  Now once again I have no affiliation with any party, and quite frankly don't have any intention of having an affiliation in the future.  What I do have is disdain for those in power because in my humble opinion that is all they care about is their "power".  I know that I am not the only one who thinks this way, yet I am amazed that we continue to get the same results every election cycle because we continue to put these morons back in office.  I don't personally dislike them as people, I can't tolerate them as "leaders" and I use that term loosely, because they are not leading, but I don't dislike or hate them.  I almost kind of pity them because they have so sold themselves out that I don't think they have a way out of the mess they have put us in.

So why write this blog today?  Maybe it's to give us a sense of hope, maybe it's to make people realize that we can do better, and maybe it's time that we take steps to make sure that better happens sooner than later.  I believe there are people who are destined to lead.  They may not know it yet, but that doesn't change the fact that at some point they will be leaders.  A leader should be one who looks at others and says what can I do to help them achieve a position in life that was destined to be.  People don't need handouts, what they need is an opportunity to become what they were destined to be.  Let's get government out of the way and turn things around.  If every single person was walking in their True Destiny I dare say we would not have the problems we are having right now.  I know that may seem like a bold statement but think about it.  When one is walking in their destiny I would bet that ego would never get in the way and lets face it, ego has a lot to do with the mess we are in right now as a country.

It is time to change things, and it is time to take things back that were never intended to be taken from us.  Join me in this battle and lets see if we can't make things right, and in making things right, making them a whole lot better for everyone.

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